We're a diverse lot....

47 very soon , Window Cleaning for the last 15 years ,married to Kay for many years, 4 kids.... 2 of each.. ranging from 17 to 25 packed up playing at 37 started Reffing at 40

This thread is a good idea ,very informative :)
A&H International
33 about to turn 34 in a few weeks, Warrant Officer Class Two in the Army, my Corps being the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers. Married but no kids, but with one crazy Westie. Currently enjoying my spell living in Germany despite it being absolutely freezing out here.
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45, been reffing for 2 years and trying to go 7 to 6 this season. Job is in marketing for a big drinks firm and spend most of my working weeks in Moscow, Warsaw or elsewhere in Eastern Europe!
45, Copper originally from North of the Border.

Done 12 months of matches and thoroughly enjoying it, cover from U12 through to Further Education Leagues and looking to start Open Age
32, various roles - Fleet manager for 42 vehicles, training manager for 120 staff and general pivot point in an environmental consultancy (asbestos / lead / emissions) working mostly on London Underground.

Done that for 6 years now sine leaving the Army after 11 years of being disillusioned. Also a fully qualified cycle mechanic running as self employed evening and weekends, support of Land's End to John O'Groats rides, and fixing the shambles that are locl bikes.

Want to make this a full time job, and reffing came about as a result of sitting watching Footbal Focus thinking that I am sooo board........

so if you have anything cycle related, vehicle use / parking ticket etc give me a shout.

Oh and @RegalRef - generally they've woked their butts off for 20 years so spend the last two strutting around waiting for their end date and pension, but seems like @matty639 has shot through the ranks and still has 6 years or so to go, so living the dream before getting his Comission ;) Not a Reccy Mech are ya?
Ha ha @HRW i am definitely not a Reccy Mech, but having said that some of them are flying along as well. I've done nearly 16 years and have 6 left to push with the option of another two if I want it. I wish I could say I take it easy now but currently I'm easily the busiest man in my Platoon. In the last week I've been giving a load of my lads their mid year review, organising the future equipment capability of my Platoon as well as setting up a vehicle modification program that Army HQ keep moving the goalposts on, this is on top of the usual day to day problems that crop up such as closing down for three weeks leave, which I am now enjoying :)

I know what you mean with disillusioned, I'm not sure I want to commission as right now I'd walk away in an instant if I was at pension time.
Two months short of fifty. Father of three teenagers. Squaddie for ten years before becoming a copper. Now working as an Armed Response Sergeant. In my third season, going 7-6. Wishing I had taken this up twenty years ago. Started running for fun about 6 years ago and (when not overcoming assorted leg injuries) am training to run a marathon distance. Wishing I had started this twenty years ago too. Having never run further than 12 miles I am working towards running a fifty miler in the next two years.
Cheeky bugger. I never thought I was!

Mind you last year, when I went to see a physio about a knee problem, and having told her that I was looking to do an ultramarathon said, "well I'm not going to help you with that. You're a gentleman of a certain age and I think that the five mile runs you are doing are sufficient." Cheeky mare.
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You never though you were I but I do lol, won't catch me doing that when I hit half a century. The only mileage I'll be doing is in the motor I've restored using my pension.
Nearly 50, chartered accountant (for 23 years now).
Originally qualified as 14 year old and refereed open age from start - none of this child protection rules in 1980....
Got old level 1 and contrib official early 1990's, quit refereeing in 1995 after recking knee.
Strange fact - refereed for 15 years and in last match sent a player off for two cautions - only time in my career!!!
Came back 4 years ago ( after lots of golf on Saturdays) to assess supply and promotion candidates.
46 year old father of 2 young men 18 & 15. Ive been a Printer in the corrugated cardboard industry for more than 20 years. Been involved with grass roots football for 10 years.
A 50 year old IT consultant (primarily Oracle database technologies for those who want to know). This is my second full season of refereeing and aiming for 7-6 promotion next year. I've built up slowly with youth football, progressed through the age groups.

This season, I have girls football on Saturday mornings (mainly because my 14 year old son qualified in August and this is the only spare time he has to referee because he still plays on Sunday morning), OA on Saturday afternoon and youth football on Sunday.
The girls football is great to referee (I'm Donny-based so you'll guess what teams I get) and the top-of-the-table clashes are great occassions. The OA is new this season as I prepare for promotion. Started with lines and the league secretary entrusted me with a middle a couple of weeks ago. That went well in my own mind and I want more! (I need more).

Youth football I find tiresome with some teams but the majority are very good and respectful. Sadly, this is the one I'd drop in a promotion season to get more OA and stay fresh and injury-free.
There is a pattern here. Teenage, just leaving or left school.

40 odd or older. Where are the guys in the middle age wise?