Important Welcome Back.......i hope


Forum VAR
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Level 6 Referee
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Well it would appear that i havent broken the forum, well not yet anyway. Took a bit longer than i would have liked, but i got there in the end

We are now live on a shiny new server, and running the latest software. There are a few new features, ill let you find them ;)

A&H International
I like the new look and feel. It might take a few days to get used to it but it looks good. Thanks chief :):cool:

(better placed in this thread).
Only suggestion now would be a brand new header logo - the one we have at the moment just doesn't work with the rest of the design anymore!
It's good I like it.

I am personally missing thr new posts hyperlink. That took you straight back to new posts with 1 button press. Now have to burrger button\new posts
The menu floats so will never disappear either navigate to new posts in the menu or press the little lightning bolt
Yeh thats what I am doing. It just used to be a link at the top. :) I can live with it.
This software also supports emojis but it means converting the database via the command line. I’m not sure I trust myself to do it right now as, as I could do a lot of damage on the command line. I’ll do it when I’m more awake
There are at least two languages out there that I struggle with.... Computer Geekology and Txt Spk..... Is there a cure Ross??
Okay so after a little while with this new look, the best thing I like about it is its efficient use of the screen real estate. There was a bit too much waste land in the previous one :)