The Ref Stop

Virgin Game

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
What are your memories of your first ever game. Come on, we were all Virgins once!!! ;)

Me, Circa 2005, volunteer Dad in an U12 evening game, jeans on, borrowed whistle, that's it.... (One imaginary shown red card at the end of the game, but it would be a red on any pitch, any level). Very nervous and zero training or qualification at that time.

12 year career, about 500 games, 2 highlights, refereeing (on my own) and lining in a final on the hallowed turf of Bramall Lane.....
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The Ref Stop
My lad's team.....under elevens.........apparently I favoured the opposition...........Westcott Street Primary School, St Andrew's Police Boys Club v A. N. Other.....effin petrified! 2002 I believe....
U12s. Had a penalty retaken 2 times for both teams encroaching. 1 yellow as I recall, charging opponent, off the ball, caught in the corner of my eye.
Did a junior tournament before my first full open age game. Recollection of final was the ball hitting an U12 in the nuts, him falling to the floor, his manager screaming that he was mortally wounded and needed immediate attention. I told him to stay put, waved play on and the opposition went and scored the only goal of the game. I wasn't popular.

20 years ago, 100s of games, many adventures including 5 international youth tournaments but still not popular on the field
1997, at Bradford's academy ground, at the time I was living in Drighlington (between Leeds and Bradford). Their U14s against Sunderland's U14s, no idea why I was thrown in at that level for my first ever game but I do recall I made a right mess of things. Remember Chris Kamara, their first team manager at the time, was there watching.
1997, at Bradford's academy ground, at the time I was living in Drighlington (between Leeds and Bradford). Their U14s against Sunderland's U14s, no idea why I was thrown in at that level for my first ever game but I do recall I made a right mess of things. Remember Chris Kamara, their first team manager at the time, was there watching.
You lived in Drig? Wow. Guess you were at uni?
I gave a goal when with hindsight, I don't think the ball crossed the line. The game was not at Roker Park as I inferred above :oops:
U15 Sunday Division 3, males. Turned up nice and early, about an hour before, which surprised the home manager.

Did what i needed to do, think it finished 3-1 iirc, can't remember who to though.

The main thing i remember is getting a follow up email from the appointment officer telling me I'd got 100/100 from both teams club marks, all downhill from there...

Still loving it, just wish i could get back to it.
Thorngumbald Boys v AFC Biggin Flyers U12s up in ‘Ull.

I was suspended by East Riding FA shortly after for not paying a fine I knew nothing about. Said fine issued for failing to keep a county cup appointment.

Now this was in the days before google maps and internet everywhere. Appointment came via post and was handwritten and said game was at Cleve school. Couldn’t find Cleve school anywhere but could find Cleve PARK school so figured it was the same place. My scheduled teams weren’t there so I did the game above as they had nobody. Didn’t know any different so thought nothing more of it as I’d had no formal contacts from anyone.

11 months later get a phone call from ref sec in Northampton (I’d finished uni by then) at 9pm on Friday night telling me I’d been withdrawn from my game the next day as I was sine die!

Took a further 6 months to get answers from the East Riding as to why I was banned. Turned out I owed them £15. Correspondence never was their strong suit.
Royal Armoured Corps Centre v Some chopsy Cavalry Squadron in 2011.

Match finished 7-0 to the home team and was pretty uneventful except for me bottling a DOGSO decision on the away GK just after half time. :rolleyes:
Basingstoke Labour Club vs. Bounty United on 30th November 2013. Basingstoke Satirday League Div 2 (open age).

Don't remember too much about the game other than I gave a last minute penalty to BLC from about 60 yards away in the last minute of the game, they were 4-1 down at the time and I completely lost concentration and ended up miles away from play. Fortunately it was stonewall and even from that distance was obvious.

BLC scored it and the game ended 2-4.
mine was an uni intra mural game at newcastle uni, i got the first decision wrong after about 10 seconds when the centre back booted the ball out then appealed for the throw...being young and naive i obliged! i'd like to think i've improved since!
My son, who was about 10 at the time, was playing in a 7 a side match being refereed by a coach/parent/representative of the opposition. The game was no more that a playground kick about but this guy was having a complete nightmare - it was like he'd never even seen a game of football before. Despite this he wasn't getting any real hassle but at some point during the first half be just walked off. I was 'volunteered' to take over and asked him how long was left to play - neither he nor anyone on the touchline had been timing the game.

My first 'proper' game was a local, second division amateur match. I was nervous as hell but it went well including a clear read card for preventing an obvious goal scoring opportunity.