Violent conduct, booking?


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I can’t find it in the laws of the game- is pinching someone violent conduct or a booking?

I have a game tomorrow. It’s a district game, u15’s. I coach 5 of the boys playing (they’re the home team). One of the boys told me that one of the away team players pinches players from behind. I have seen this particular player do this before at a tournament and he got booked. If I saw this player pinching players from
behind, is that violent conduct? I was discussing this with one of the parents and he said it was part of the game when he played. Elbows off the ball, pinching players, etc.

I appreciate any comments.

A&H International
I've played against players that do this, trust me they won't do it whilst you are looking and it will be nigh on impossible to see, even if you are on the alert for it,
When you say "pinching them from behind", do you mean pinching their backside (AKA bum, butt, arse, behind, bun, rump..)?

If yes , it can also be considered offensive. But yes in the way you described it it's a send off. Do you have neutral assistants? If yes ask them to keep an eye on him.
When you say "pinching them from behind", do you mean pinching their backside (AKA bum, butt, arse, behind, bun, rump..)?

If yes , it can also be considered offensive. But yes in the way you described it it's a send off. Do you have neutral assistants? If yes ask them to keep an eye on him.
He pinches their backs. It’s quite odd. Not their butt, backside, etc. The players’ backs. I didn’t have neutral assistants for this one but thankfully (the game was earlier today) I am not aware of any incidents with him pinching anyone. He did get booked though 🤦😂 (not for pinching. For SPA)
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Is he related to Suarez ???

A red card all day for me. And as he has reputation for it, it can't be accidental.
Absolutely! I’ve seen him do it at a tournament. He does it to wind up opposition players. At u15’s, it’s crazy!!
It sounds from the OP that you are refereeing serious competitive matches with players that you also coach playing. Obviously not ideal. Are you a qualified referee?
It sounds from the OP that you are refereeing serious competitive matches with players that you also coach playing. Obviously not ideal. Are you a qualified referee?
Yes- I am qualified. It’s not always ideal but I’m always fair when I do it. I think the manager of the district team (who I coach with) likes me refereeing. So he asked me to do it. It’s not always ideal but if there’s no one else for our boys on a Sunday morning then I end up doing it anyway!
Yes- I am qualified. It’s not always ideal but I’m always fair when I do it. I think the manager of the district team (who I coach with) likes me refereeing. So he asked me to do it. It’s not always ideal but if there’s no one else for our boys on a Sunday morning then I end up doing it anyway!
Respect for that. So it’s quite a difficult situation. And if you know “Harold Pincher” then of course you should have a quiet word with his coach midweek and gently highlight that you have had feedback from other referees that pinching is not part of the game and even “mild” pinching might be a red card - and the obvious way forward is to cut it out to avoid the inevitable consequences for the lad and his team.