Vidic red card

Out of curiosity why do you believe it is a caution?

He lunged at an opponent with excessive force which he did so serious foul play? He didn't attempt to play the ball. No way would it get rescinded
A&H International
I don't think he used excessive force. I think looking at it you can argue that he did attempt to play the ball, just that Hazard moved the ball quicker away.
Caution for me.

However I can understand why Dowd sent him off. From his angle it looks cynical and very late. I think Vidic was genuinely going for the ball, albeit a very desperate attempt.
I think it was more a yellow but a red wasn't totally unjustified as it wasn't the best of challenges. Rafael's was a shocker and could have seriously hurt Cahill, he should have gone as well.
to be fair to moyesy, he did apparently feel that rafael challenge merited a red once he'd seen it

now, whether he'd have said that if it had been a red ..........
I feel that both Vidic and rafael should've both been dismissed.

Vidic's challenge was no-where near the ball and endangered his opponent by tacking scissor like from behind.

Rafael was a clear 2 footed lunge off the floor and out of control putting cahill at serious risk. IMO pure luck has prevented a serious injury to him. I know that AR's are not supposed to make any decision in that part of the pitch but surely he had a clear view on the incident and could help Dowd make the correct decision. How he got a yellow is beyond me, he should also have been dismissed.
i've only seen the rafa challenge on motd2 but, from what i remember, it looked as if the ref wasn't even going to caution him at first...so perhaps the asst did have a word in his ear
Shocked that rafael didn't get sent off, Vidic well it was a very late tackle but I don't think it deserved a red...

This is coming from a ManUts supporter
I think looking at it Dowd gave the throw in at first, and then decided to caution him. I didn't see him blow his whistle