Junior/Youth Verbal Distraction at penalty.


Retired big bad baldy in all black!
Had the joys of the under 13s again yesterday...

First half flew by, end to end, evenly matched teams and barring a couple of minor fouls requiring nothing more than a "don't do it again" went by without problems. Home team went into half time 1-0 up after brilliant through ball, forward held off the challenges of the defender to smash one into the top corner....

2nd half started pretty much the same as the first, end to end, both sides showing plenty of attacking intent. Home team forward, who scored the goal, cuts across the goal line near the corner of the box, 2 defenders in front of him blocking his path to goal, defender behind decides to give him a hefty 2 handed shove in the back, nailed on penalty to the home side and a chance to make it 2-0. No real complaints, but that's when the fun started... :confused:

Go through the motions, ensuring all of the players are outside the box and remind them to stay out until the kick is taken, quick word with the keeper, take my position and blow the whistle. Forward runs up and at the moment he goes to kick the ball, there's a very loud scream from one of the away team players nearest to me. Keeper saves a fairly tame penalty, but due to the obvious scream ordered a retake.

I look round and there's 3 away team players standing together and was fairly certain it was one of them of screamed. Instinctively, admitted probably not the best thing to say, I said "Who was that?", all 3 away players responded "Wasn't me ref". Cue coach on the side lines shouting "ref you can't give that if you don't know who's said it". Coach acknowledged and ignored, I then loudly reminded all of the players that distracting an opponent is against the laws of the game as it's unsporting behaviour and if I see someone do it, they are going in the book. Shout of well done ref from the parents side and a few claps. Penalty retaken, so quiet could hear a pin drop... and the forward missed the retake as well! :eek:

Was happy with my decision and nothing said after the game, but was I right to order the retake even though I couldn't pin the obvious distraction on a particular player?
A&H International
Just turn to them and say 'ok player, over here please' .....amazed at how many times players fall for this and the guilty party walks over.....

If not, just pick one....it's called taking one for the team!
Just turn to them and say 'ok player, over here please' .....amazed at how many times players fall for this and the guilty party walks over.....

If not, just pick one....it's called taking one for the team!
Agree, pick one, he can get the £10 of the person who did it.
Can't disagree enough on the pick one!!! And what if that player earns a second caution later in the match?

You can't caution somebody for no other reason than they happened to be around somebody who committed an offence - to be honest I can't believe I'm hearing that! If you didn't see somebody commit an offence you can't book them for it.

And I don't think that undermines the retake either, so I think the correct decision was made.
For once I'm in a different camp Cap'n. For me, the point of 'picking one' is to force the issue. If the team don't at that point show enough respect to identify the transgressor then anything that happens from that point on is down to them. Though certainly I'd go with Padfoot's initial approach first to try and flush them out. Shouting out to distract is so blatantly contrary to the spirit of the game that to not caution would just feel wrong in my book
Can't disagree enough on the pick one!!! And what if that player earns a second caution later in the match?

You can't caution somebody for no other reason than they happened to be around somebody who committed an offence - to be honest I can't believe I'm hearing that! If you didn't see somebody commit an offence you can't book them for it.

And I don't think that undermines the retake either, so I think the correct decision was made.
Fair comment...
What would you do if it happened again as the perpetrator knows he can get away with it???
I'd change my positioning so he couldn't

For what it's worth I have actually done the 'you'll do'. It was VC after a brawl in an U/18 match, and I wasn't entirely certain who started it. I thought I knew who it was. I tried the 'who was it?', but of course at U/18 if it's a star player, another player will happily lie to take the fall - and one did. Didn't give him the red, gave it to another player who I thought was the culprit. Nobody argued too hard but I'd say they all had about as much of an idea on who threw the punches as I did. Don't know if I got the right guy or not, but I knew I made myself look like an idiot and it didn't sit right (THAT was an interesting night!!!)