VAR accuaracy. Again.

I agree that refs are not deliberately leaving anything to VAR (at least not the good ones). But I do think the existence of VAR has a subconscious impact on decision making. But that is really hard to actually measure or document- or even to determine if it is a positive or negative Influence.

As for MLS, I think its a gross oversimplification to say its a cultural fit. While Americans in general may be more used to video review from other sports, i think there was similar skepticism among the soccer community to other places. I think MLS did several things to make implementation much better than PL (and most of the world)--not something we get to say about MLS very often. MLS (well, really PRO, the referee organization), took training very seriously. That has helped not only in terms of accuracy of VAR, recommendations, but also in the efficiency of the system by VAR and by the R. As best I can tell, MLS Rs are the best in the world at working with the VAR during an OFR in directing what information or views they want, and the VARs are excellent at having those different views at hand and ready to go. They avoided the pitfalls of the line drawing by sticking with clear and obvious as the standard for reversing calls on OSP. And they have been very, very proactive in communication about the successes and failures of the use of VAR With weekly videos and memos about the use of VAR.

I still dont like video revie in soccer (or most sports). But it’s here to stay.
Thanks - interesting insight into the changes HW might make.
A&H International
I agree that refs are not deliberately leaving anything to VAR (at least not the good ones). But I do think the existence of VAR has a subconscious impact on decision making. But that is really hard to actually measure or document- or even to determine if it is a positive or negative Influence.

As for MLS, I think its a gross oversimplification to say its a cultural fit. While Americans in general may be more used to video review from other sports, i think there was similar skepticism among the soccer community to other places. I think MLS did several things to make implementation much better than PL (and most of the world)--not something we get to say about MLS very often. MLS (well, really PRO, the referee organization), took training very seriously. That has helped not only in terms of accuracy of VAR, recommendations, but also in the efficiency of the system by VAR and by the R. As best I can tell, MLS Rs are the best in the world at working with the VAR during an OFR in directing what information or views they want, and the VARs are excellent at having those different views at hand and ready to go. They avoided the pitfalls of the line drawing by sticking with clear and obvious as the standard for reversing calls on OSP. And they have been very, very proactive in communication about the successes and failures of the use of VAR With weekly videos and memos about the use of VAR.

I still dont like video revie in soccer (or most sports). But it’s here to stay.
Some good points made there Socal. I'll get back in my box!
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