Unusual One


RefChat Addict
on Sunday.

One team (who to be fair had to travel 60 miles) only had 6 players at ko time.

The other 5 "were on their way" and DID arrive less than half an hour after scheduled ko time, so we started.

However, both before and after the match there were unproven accusations from the other side that the "late team" did in fact have the required 7 players at ko time, with one or more being in the dressing room - (out of sight of me, obviously)

As I pointed out to those who said this, it was not my place to go rooting around dressing rooms looking for players "in hiding", especially as this was a ladies match.

I will of course report late KO, but not much else I could do was there?
A&H International
No, nothing you could have done - you don't know who's on their roster and who isn't.
What would be an interesting question is - what if you DID know the player was there?
No nothing else you could do and even if you did go in the dressing room (not advisable for any match) it could be full of people but only the 6 are eligible to play.
unless they are sitting there in full kit :) in which case i'm sure the same process applies ? a little word of warning to explain that theres enough to make a start and any delay will be written up as a matter of course, and details of why the KO was delayed would be provided.... and the likelihood of a more serious sanction than if they genuinely only had 6, against the club would ensue.
unless they are sitting there in full kit :) in which case i'm sure the same process applies ? a little word of warning to explain that theres enough to make a start and any delay will be written up as a matter of course, and details of why the KO was delayed would be provided.... and the likelihood of a more serious sanction than if they genuinely only had 6, against the club would ensue.

Good points Richard, but as others have said, we don't have access to changing room, so state of dress is academic!;)
No, nothing you could have done - you don't know who's on their roster and who isn't.
What would be an interesting question is - what if you DID know the player was there?

Ok I'll have a go...

Any team refusing to start a match would be treated as defaulting match. Once that ultimatum was issued I guess most teams would then start with the 7, or whatever number it was, players.
not enough players to start? give them 10 minutes after kick off, then collect my money and note it as a victory for the 'correctly numbered' side

I'm not hanging around for half an hour to then find out the players are going to be another half hour etc ...
not enough players to start? give them 10 minutes after kick off, then collect my money and note it as a victory for the 'correctly numbered' side

I'm not hanging around for half an hour to then find out the players are going to be another half hour etc ...

Comp rules are half an hour before match is defaulted, so no choice there.
That's in the coaching manual, if you don't have your full 11 players because people are late, or your keeper is running late, put 6 players out on the pitch and get the rest to lock themselves in the changing room ... :)