The Ref Stop

Unsporting match incident

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G Referee SCO

New Member
I was reffing a game yesterday and ball went out of play for a goal kick & landed over the fence. When a new ball was played on the striker in the opponent's team received the new ball, flicked it up and overhead kicked it to the goalkeeper. The ball did land right at the feet of the goalkeeper to take his goal kick, but I booked the player who overhead kicked the ball for unsporting behaviour - Was I right to book the player for this situation?
The Ref Stop
I was reffing a game yesterday and ball went out of play for a goal kick & landed over the fence. When a new ball was played on the striker in the opponent's team received the new ball, flicked it up and overhead kicked it to the goalkeeper. The ball did land right at the feet of the goalkeeper to take his goal kick, but I booked the player who overhead kicked the ball for unsporting behaviour - Was I right to book the player for this situation?
What did he do that was unsporting? I'm lost.

At an absolute push if you felt he delaying a restart, by all means, caution him but I am even finding that a stretch in the scenario you describe.
I wasn't 100% sure about this one - The reason I found it unsporting was the opponents were losing by 3 and I thought it was taking the P*ss out of them by performing an unnecessary skill move, which his teammates had a laugh about.
Ball to feet from an over head kick! Some Premier League players would struggle to do that! I think he should be complemented not booked.
I wasn't 100% sure about this one - The reason I found it unsporting was the opponents were losing by 3 and I thought it was taking the P*ss out of them by performing an unnecessary skill move, which his teammates had a laugh about.
Don't go looking for trouble. Don't go looking too hard for reasons to card players.
They're allowed to have a little bit of fun. Taking the piss would be a much more blatant action than that. That would probably be something verbal directed at the opponents.
The player was just having a bit of fun getting the ball back to his keeper - that's what they're there for after all - fun. You're refereeing human beings after all :)

Although if he fluffed it and it wasted time, you'd probably want to give him a warning.
I wasn't 100% sure about this one - The reason I found it unsporting was the opponents were losing by 3 and I thought it was taking the P*ss out of them by performing an unnecessary skill move, which his teammates had a laugh about.

You should of shook his hand and give him Jos Luhakay's number!!
I dont mean this to sound personal and nobody, including myself! Is perfect

But thats one of the most ridiculous senarios and outcome I think I have read on here

You serious deem that as unsporting???
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Thanks for those encouraging words.

The reason I deemed it at the time as an unsporting was that there was no need for it, the other team were looking for the ball back to take their goal kick and then we have this guy in the opposing team doing a few keepy ups, having a laugh and overhead kicking the ball back - making a mockery of the situation of a team being 0-3. Would he have done it if his team was losing? Absolutely not.

Unsporting - not fair, generous, or sportsmanlike.

Only posted on here because I reflect on the situation and wasn't sure if the outcome was correct. Looking for advice, not comments like this.
Did you want the opponent to nip to Sports Direct, buy a new ball, gift wrap it then deliver it on a golden chariot to the keeper?

The senario you describe is simply part of the joys of park football

I would be thankful the player got the ball back to the gk so accuratley

The outcome of course is correct in your situation because if you have deemed that to be unsporting then of course you can caution the player

Thats a very different point than, what would anybody else do in this situation

I suppose you can be thankful the player was not on a yc? Would you really have dismissed him if he was?
Good job he didn’t get a gentle push for his troubles too! I’ve seen players react in silly ways to silly refereeing like this...

Take all ‘critisism’ as constructive not personal, you may learn from this then!
Good job he didn’t get a gentle push for his troubles too! I’ve seen players react in silly ways to silly refereeing like this...

Take all ‘critisism’ as constructive not personal, you may learn from this then!

Totally agree. A yellow card is a match control tool
Using it here severely increases the risk of losing control, totally defeating the purpose of the card
No, I wanted the ball on the park, played back to the keeper in a normal, not taking the P*ss fashion & the game to be restarted without anyone being at the windup.

No, I wouldn't have dismissed the player for such action but would have a word. The player I booked was being mouthy throughout the game - the yellow was what I thought he deserved and was hoping he would consider his actions more being in the book.
Fair enough - will take the criticism as constructive but clearly thought the action was wrong to post it on here.

Thanks for the advice.
Am afraid you do not get to dictate at what strengh or speed or height etc that the ball is returned. We might all have our ideals, by your logic, in the same game, goalie at 18 yard box, striker goes past him, empty net, easiest goal of all time and chooses to totally muller the ball into the net, that would be a caution to, because you rather he respectfully rolled the ball between the posts!
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