The Ref Stop

Junior/Youth Unsporting Behaviour


Southend United Supporter
Level 6 Referee
In a youth match today there was an attacking free kick which, as it was taken, a player in the wall shouted 'You're Gay!' in an attempt to put off the taker. The kick went over the crossbar and I awarded the goal kick and cautioned the player for unsporting behaviour.

Should I have given an indirect free kick from the place where the player was standing when he shouted it rather than the goal kick?
The Ref Stop
I think you did correctly, but I guess you could have.

However, if it is a penalty then it is slightly different. The rules for that state that if an opponent infringes the laws of the game (doesn't specify which) before the kick is taken, if it is missed there is a retake.

Edit - after thinking about it, probably would be better to give the IDFK from the position of the offender to add credibility to the caution?
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I would have thought an IDFK from where the offender was standing. Nothing to say he didn;t put off the kicker and that he prevented a possible goal.
what do people think about the wall shouting 'jump' as the kick is being taken? I had this the other week and suspect that they may have been trying to put the kicker off but as far as they're concerned they are just coordinating their wall!