United v United

A&H International
Thatcher should have been banned for forever for that. Off the point though.

Being spat on is disgusting. A broken leg is much worse. I have experienced both. If I had the choice of a broken leg or being spat on I am choosing the spit.
Let me throw a spanner in the works. No one ever gets physically hurt by racial abuse but the punishment for it is rightly very high. For me spitting has a similar connotation and should not be punished lightly.

As for my preference, i'd rather get a black eye from a punch than being spat at on the face.
Interesting point @one. However, I would say it is a little bit oranges and tractors.

Discrimination and why people are affected by it is complicated and sometimes drenched in the blood, tears and ignorant stupidity of history. Spitting by contrast is quite simple. It is just gross, unhygienic and potentially infectious.
On the contrary @SM . Many cultures consider spitting at someone as a sign of... lets just say not a very good sign depending on the culture. Being spat at has been used as a form of punishment in some cultures.

We may have to agree to disagree on this one.
There are quite a few wacky (to us) gestures etc which mean nothing in the uk but cause offence/violence around the world!

Perhaps they would not be relevant if applied to a premier league game....

Hmmm... have a guess at the number of nationality/cultures who have a representation in premier league let alone the levels below it in the UK :D
In the right context... perhaps.

I've seen the Arab 5-1 thing... and I had no idea why it started a riot when it happened (I was a spectator at a game of Arabs v Hispanics a few years back... one of the Hispanics did that to one to one of the Arabs, and a riot broke out between the teams with 6-7 of the Arabs trying to kill the one Hispanic guy)... Now I understand why.
the point I am making is that you cannot apply all of the worlds offensive gestures etc to a game which is played in the uk. It would be insane, players would be sent off left right and centre. And not know why.

Spitting in the uk is considered disgusting. Don't try and read any other meanings into it.
Let me throw a spanner in the works. No one ever gets physically hurt by racial abuse but the punishment for it is rightly very high. For me spitting has a similar connotation and should not be punished lightly.

As for my preference, i'd rather get a black eye from a punch than being spat at on the face.

Racial abuse punishments are so high because the Premier League brand has to be maintained, and that's fine.
However in the real world you will (quite rightly) be in more trouble for punching somone than you will racially abusing them.
As for you last comment, I can only assume you've never had a proper punch in the face....
@deusex I have been :) Twice. Once as a stupid young man and another time actually on the FOP in my playing days, albeit from behind so i never saw it coming. But that's another story. I have however never been spat at in the face.

I dont see how anyone cant see being spat at highly offensive (in opposed to disgusting). Maybe its just me or just the way I was brought up. But again if it has its own special case in the LOTG and many other sports, there must be something in it.