U18s Further Problems



Had a mens match Satuday - Went Fine
Had youths this morning - Went Fine
Back to U18s this afternoon - Bad ! ( from one team )

There was a team today who in the first half got a bit gobby and then when we restarted play for the second half went all out to p me off ! They were swearing at me , calling the CAR a cheat CONSTANTLY.

Had to ask the mangers and parents to move from behind the CAR from the team who were well behaved as they were constantly giving him grief.

5 Yellows for dissent ( all swearing)
1 Red for throwing mud at me (hoping i wouldnt see )

Thoughts Please ?
A&H International
Unless you believed that the CAR was cheating, in which case you would need to do something about that yourself, then calling an assistant a cheat is pretty much as bad as calling you a cheat and therefore shouldn't you have been thinking about showing a red ?
Sorry im as clear as mud lol it was the parents calling the CAR a cheat
CAR's are part of my team and such will be protected. Any player calling then a cheat is a gonner. As for spectators, I use the old "they go or I do" routine. Approach the home team, ask them to remove the nuisance, failure to do so will mean that the game gets abandoned. It's amazing how quick they go. Not failed me yet. Although, proceed with caution when trying this, as inevitably there will always be the exception to this, thus causing you to abandon, and report the offending club.