The Ref Stop

Junior/Youth U18 cup final

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Love not lost @SM. I still respect mr H's opinions, I'm just making an observation that sometimes, things could be said a little more constructively :)
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The Ref Stop
Some people have a bit of an arrogance complex followed by a mod liking the said arrogant comment then warning others for picking up on said comment

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Meh, made me laugh. Make me laugh get a like, it's how I roll. Come on @HertsFinest - my point of view here has been made (on the op). I was warning people not to get the thread closed by bickering.

That said, I think this thread is done.
Debate and discussion are healthy for us all. None of us is infallible. Bitter argument, however, is not healthy, just causes bad feeling and gets threads closed. :rolleyes:

I'm not going to lock this down yet. If things don't improve though, that's what is going to happen.
I was warning people not to get the thread closed by bickering.
That said, I think this thread is done.
Do you have a certain line that once its crossed, you'll close a thread? Is that line exactly the same for all the mods? Do you get warning points first, or is it straight to a thread ban? Will we get a bit more leeway if we're discussing a cup final? ;)
@DB what would you have done had the referee not asked you what you wanted done, but just said "thank you" and proceeded to caution the player for dissent?
@DB what would you have done had the referee not asked you what you wanted done, but just said "thank you" and proceeded to caution the player for dissent?

A good question Padders.

I would have questioned his decision at the end of the game and accepted it. I wouldn't have agreed with it, but that's an opinion I would have kept to myself. I'd certainly ask why he felt it to be dissent and not offinabus. With the RDO present, I'd have been interested to hear the conversation between them afterwards.
Love not lost @SM. I still respect mr H's opinions, I'm just making an observation that sometimes, things could be said a little more constructively :)
And things get lost in translation of thought to text which is why I went through the dissection process.
Interesting, because this thread makes me understand why so many referees leave the game....

Can't help but wonder how you'd feel if somebody gave you that sort of response after you assessed them.

Which does not, even using one's most extreme imagination, even subtly imply that the wrong decision was made. Just that he wants to be 100% certain before making a big decision. Some very, very bizarre thought processes you seem to be promoting on here Brian......I'm sure I'm not the only person wondering if somebody has hijacked BH's account!!

- AR is required to be abused
- Abuse that is offensive, foul and personal is still not a red card (no idea what is)
- OFFINABUS doesn't apply to cup finals or youth football. the kids shouldn't be held responsible for their actions because they're so excited (I mean, I know that logic applies to a puppy that wees on the floor when you're getting him excited, never thought of extending that to 18 year olds!!)
- if the referee asks the AR for confirmation, he should always change his opinion
- while the manner in which a comment is said has an impact upon which card is issued, if the referee has not witnessed the comment he is then expected to make a decision without knowing how the comment was said.
-referees should never ask their AR's opinion on a card for an incident they didn't witness.
- match officials should not talk to players
-OFFINABUS doesn't exist. If there's a big burly referee who wouldn't care about a comment, then none of us should send a player off.
Following from that I can only presume Last Week's Ref also doesn't exist - or is it because it's the final, there's no next week, so it doesn't matter what the AR and referee do because they can't be last week's ref, thus just let everything go as long as it doesn't upset the players?


Did I miss anything? I'm presuming this was all explained by IFAB when they issued a 'Spirit of the Game' directive? :rolleyes:
Thanks again. I'll keep this one with the other one.
I do wonder why some people on here need to ram an opinion down people's throats.

I'm not speaking of anybody in particular here before anybody thinks that's a veiled swipe at them - it's really not - but I thought the general idea was read a subject > offer an opinion > review opinions submitted of others > decide if your opinion has changed or you learnt anything > move on?

Or are some people just that insistent that others come to their way of thinking they'll butt heads indefinitely until one or the other gives up?

Maybe I've just got it wrong...
I think @Brian Hamilton post is a good example of how the whole incident could have been avoided . I've been in a similar situation on the line (although it was a cup game it was early rounds) where, after giving an offside, the right back has said "**** off lino you cheat" and so I put the flag up, called the referee over and requested the player be dismissed. Only I heard it and so I know how the OP feels when they've got to make a decision like that from the line. I'd have preferred to have avoided it in the first place but once it's happened not taking appropriate action will affect your credibility and open you up to abuse.

Once it's been said and you take into account the demeanour of the player and the way in which he said it etc. then I think you've done the right thing, but for development just ask yourself if there's anything you could have done differently to avoided it or prevented it from escalating to that situation.
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Valid points mate. For the free kick, the challenge went in "my" area. The referee looked at me and waited to see whether I flagged. I did. The player saw this flag and obviously didn't know my brief from the ref before the game. He saw it as wholly my decision. When he started having a go, he was frustrated. So, I've told him "you've gone through the back of him". My body language is neutral, I am still stood straight from the flagging position. He argues, so I basically repeat my line. To which he pauses for a moment, looks at me then says what he had to say.

Other than not flagging for the free kick, Theres nothing else that I could/would have done differently. I was working to a brief from a n experienced referee. I thought that night and Afro the following few days whether I was right to send this guy off... And I am still 100% certain in my mind that I made the right call.

I won't have people talking to me like that and in that nature, if I'd not flagged and had the conviction to dismiss the player... I can guarantee you that pretty much everyone on this thread would be calling me "Last Week's Ref" :)
Can people try to understand that your role as an AR is to assist the referee......that means that report the facts of an incident and leave the referee to decide what happens next.

You shouldn't be telling the referee whether its a caution or dismissal.....thats their decision based on what you have told them.
Can people try to understand that your role as an AR is to assist the referee......that means that report the facts of an incident and leave the referee to decide what happens next.

You shouldn't be telling the referee whether its a caution or dismissal.....thats their decision based on what you have told them.
And you believe that remains the case even when the referee has zero idea what happened and it's entirely up to the assistant to report the incident?

Let's take the opposite of the above incident - a player says something to the AR that he believes is worthy of only a caution, the AR reports only these "facts" to the referee, who shows a red card based off that information. Because the referee didn't ask for the AR's opinion, the AR is therefore responsible for writing a dismissal report for an incident he only believes is worth a caution.

Surely that would put the AR in an uncomfortable position, which could easily have been avoided if he had only offered an opinion? AR's are qualified and experienced referees in their own rights. If they can't be trusted to at least exercise a hint of judgement, surely football in general should just save the money and use club AR's?
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