Junior/Youth U11s studs high

Mike Spice

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Bit of a crunching together on 3G yesterday, yellow forward slides in a catches keeper with studs high. No malice.
I just "had a word" with the young fella to watch his studs and timings.
A&H International
You'll get differing opinions on here Mike, personally I've never done U11 but if I did i think I would be the same as you and use it as a teaching opportunity, but of course the LOTG still apply.

So if it truly was a tackle that required a yellow or red, then you'd also be doing the right thing in issuing it and teaching the player that way. Tough one.
Whether there was malice or not should have no bearing on matters, not according to the Laws at least. The only question should be whether the tackle was careless, reckless or involved the use of excessive force.
And at that age (primary school remember), in my opinion, it is nearly always going to be carelessness.
Careless is a lack of attention or consideration. Reckless is disregard to the danger to or consequences for the opponent.
This could be anwhere from a warning to a red card, there isn't enough detail in the post to really form an opinion.
Unless there's very, very little force it's unlikely a late, studs-first challenge on the keeper who's dived for the ball isn't going to result in a card, but again, without seeing it I could be wrong.