I'm very clear on what my point is. What I don't understand is why you think anything you've said in response in any way adds to the discussion.
Yes change will take time. Pointing out the blindingly obvious isn't telling me anything I don't know. It's just the most bland, obvious and surface level insight you could possibly have come up with - but you've chosen to do so in such an aggressive and dismissive manner. And then as soon as I point out that perhaps that's not the stunning and brilliant insight you think it is, you just immediately start to try and make it look like I'm picking an argument and you're so morally superior that you don't need to engage with it.
Don't want a discussion with me? Fine, no one says you have to. But don't come blazing into a thread that was going along perfectly nicely, quote me and condescendingly act like you're explaining how the world works to a 5 year old and then pretend I'm the one causing trouble.