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A&H International
Anyway, (my) opinions on 'micro-policing' to one side for a mo. What is predictable is that of 'group psychology', or the psychology of Society as a whole. Once a few Leagues get nervous and call off, the others are on a hiding to nothing and will follow-suit pretty readily
It is staggering that 1% (maybe 2%) of us could have CV19 at this time. Yet it seems to be affecting >20% of Pro footballers going by the numbers being cited. At grass roots, it wouldn't harm to take a couple of weeks off, but it needs to come from the FA, as it's not overly fair to leave it to volunteers like yourself to make the call. Probably, we'll get an an over-reaction, but so be it.
What would be ironic, is if it's the Qatar World Cup that suffers from extended Domestic seasons. But FIFA will make sure that show remains on the road at all costs!

1%, you have to be joking. Thery think at the moment that 1 in 30 in London could be positive. It is really bad at the moment, I'm a good citizen so have kept the NHS app tracing on and as I said earlier I've been pinged 3 times in the space of 6 days, pretty sure I've only ever had one ping before since the app came out.

Also it isn't 20% of pro footballers. Their match days squads are 20 but they also take back up players, and their back room team will be as many as 40 people. So them getting 5 infections isn't 20%, it is more like 8%.
1%, you have to be joking. Thery think at the moment that 1 in 30 in London could be positive. It is really bad at the moment, I'm a good citizen so have kept the NHS app tracing on and as I said earlier I've been pinged 3 times in the space of 6 days, pretty sure I've only ever had one ping before since the app came out.

Also it isn't 20% of pro footballers. Their match days squads are 20 but they also take back up players, and their back room team will be as many as 40 people. So them getting 5 infections isn't 20%, it is more like 8%.
Just checked the ONS
1.5% six days ago, so no not joking, or not a mile out. Keep in mind its only Omicron that going berserk and that's not been dominant as yet. Anyway, going up faster than I thought. EPL Clubs affected to largely varying extent. Newcastle untouched cos they've already been wiped out previously. London is facing the brunt of the Omicron, so your (I ought to say our) area not looking great

So, all depends on severity of illness. I've recently recovered. Enjoyed the excuse to keep going back to bed TBH. Took a few lazy days off work, watched loads of Narcos back-2-back. Beer and whisky seemed to do the trick. Joking aside, it didn't really get on my chest, so I was able to exercise vigorously about 10 days after +ve PCR. Let's hope most other people (vaccinated) fair equally as well 🤞

I just get frustrated from a selfish point of view. I don't like the micro-policing, but then I'm not the one under pressure to make decisions
Either way, I could see the writing on the wall a at the start of the week, which is why I kicked off the other thread. I can see a quiet few weeks ahead. Hoping my game Saturday goes ahead (observed and I just like the game on paper), otherwise, not the end of the world if I stay on the same game rescheduled for the New Year! I'm confident we'll be OK, once Whitty has his data
I understand teams simply lose the game in the NFL if they can't fulfil the fixture. As @GraemeS pointed out, there are problems with both sides of the coin. Personally, I'm leaning towards the NFL model. Teams fulfil fixtures with squad players with strict rules on who is allowed to travel etc.

Happens in step 6 too in the NWCFL. The team I played for at youth level were due to play the Isle of Man but only had 10 double vaccinated players so didn't travel (have to be double vaccinated to go to the IoM). The league fined them heavily and awarded the points to IoM. I think they shouldve gone as they had 10 players so could've played but it's an interesting dynamic as it clearly gives IoM an advantage as opposition teams cannot field players against them who aren't double vaccinated.
With all the games being called off, the EPL players must have a far higher infection rate than the General Public. The numbers CV19 cases the EPL Clubs are quoting are insane. I mean, we do know that approaching half of them (players) refused the vaccine (according to the Media a few months back)
ONS figures show that those working in education were 37% more likely to have Covid than other workers.

just saying
ONS figures show that those working in education were 37% more likely to have Covid than other workers.

just saying
It's all that Clubbing you lot are notorious for!
Anyway, even if we're now up to 1 in 50 infected, the true number will probably be higher given the insane doubling rate