Today's game.

Chris Smith

I had a hard game today few tough decisions I made that I got bang on, I did miss a high foot that everyone was calling for but I didn't see it as it was a fast pace game and my vision was blocked. What made me feel good as a new level 7 is after the game both teams said they enjoyed the game and like the fact I let it flow and not blow ever 5 minutes. Both teams also said my decisions was spot on every time. Even though one team lost 8-2 we all left with our head held high. Feels good when they do nothing but prise you for all the good work at the end of the game. It ended with no red or yellows.
A&H International
Padfoot will be along shortly to tell you that you must referee in the easiest league in the world or that you are "Last Week's Ref" mate. ;) :D

It's perfectly normal for the odd game or two to produce no cards.....it's where referees go for long stints of games with no cards that it becomes obvious that something is not right.

Cardless games tend to be fairly drab mundane games.....in a fiercely competitive game, there will always be cards to find......unless the referee isn't interested in doing the job properly of course.
It's perfectly normal for the odd game or two to produce no cards.....it's where referees go for long stints of games with no cards that it becomes obvious that something is not right.

Cardless games tend to be fairly drab mundane games.....in a fiercely competitive game, there will always be cards to find......unless the referee isn't interested in doing the job properly of course.
As usual you've tarred everything with the same brush though.

There are different ages, sexes, abilities etc that all play football, and they all play in a different way.

50% of my games this season have been women's, and these produce very few cards at all, perhaps one every 6 games.

That's not because I treat them differently, and not because I change my tolerance level, its because they are generally better behaved and don't tend to launch into tackles. They are as good (or better) as the equivalent male level and the games are played at the same pace.

Just because a referee doesn't produce as many cards as YOU would like to see, doesn't mean he 'isn't doing his job' or is guilty of 'weak refereeing'.

Other factors can play a part too.
Once again Padders, I find it difficult to disagree with what you've written there. :)

I generally find that I'm dishing out at least one card every other game these days. :)
I had a hard game today few tough decisions I made that I got bang on, I did miss a high foot that everyone was calling for but I didn't see it as it was a fast pace game and my vision was blocked. What made me feel good as a new level 7 is after the game both teams said they enjoyed the game and like the fact I let it flow and not blow ever 5 minutes. Both teams also said my decisions was spot on every time. Even though one team lost 8-2 we all left with our head held high. Feels good when they do nothing but prise you for all the good work at the end of the game. It ended with no red or yellows.
I prepared a response to your status update where you were pleased that you had achieved L7 (and deservedly so) and then said you were going to look at going 7-5 next season.

Unfortunately my character count exceeded the maximum allowed and I lost the post. So if I can offer some advice. Don't look to go for a double jump. It creates more problems than it solves. if you are good enough to do a double jump, then you will still get noticed, you will still receive preferential treatment, get still better quality games and still be provided with the opportunity to develop yourself and become a better referee. You will also have the opportunity to find out more about yourself as a referee and consolidate your skills.

You've highlighted you've missed an incident of dangerous play because your line of sight was blocked ... hate to say it but that's a pretty basic mistake. It demonstrates you weren't in the right place at the right time, so there was a fault with your positioning and movement. You cannot learn where to be and when to be there, that comes with experience. So if I can come back to my first point, don't go for a double jump, stay at least a year at each level and get as many games at that level to improve and develop your skills. It will serve you well once you move on up to the next level.
I understand that.

However on a fast pace game with CARs I won't be in the correct position every time. I have done 18 games already and been approached to double jump as they strongly believe I can do it.

I also strongly agree that you can't rush experience also. Part of life.

Like we all know no matter what level you are we all make mistakes, we are human at the end of the day. I don't go in to every game and have in mind right I am dishing cards out. If there is an offence that deems a card or counting up the fouls then yes. It's not all about I didn't issue a card in the last game or 2 so I will find the smallest excuse to issue one that could be sorted by a sturn talk IMO. Yes big games you will need to issue one early to show you're in charge.

Yes I made a mistake today with the high kick and I own up to that. But like I say we are not going to be in the correct position the whole game or players running in front of you.
I understand that.

However on a fast pace game with CARs I won't be in the correct position every time. I have done 18 games already and been approached to double jump as they strongly believe I can do it.

I also strongly agree that you can't rush experience also. Part of life.

Like we all know no matter what level you are we all make mistakes, we are human at the end of the day. I don't go in to every game and have in mind right I am dishing cards out. If there is an offence that deems a card or counting up the fouls then yes. It's not all about I didn't issue a card in the last game or 2 so I will find the smallest excuse to issue one that could be sorted by a sturn talk IMO. Yes big games you will need to issue one early to show you're in charge.

Yes I made a mistake today with the high kick and I own up to that. But like I say we are not going to be in the correct position the whole game or players running in front of you.
Good attitude. Good luck.