Today's first game


Politically Incorrect
Bit frustrated after today's first game.

Bottom of the table clash, and I have to say I've noticed that the reoccurring theme is that in any league at any standard the teams at the bottom of the league tend to spend more time arguing with each other and the refs than the better teams.

Anyway, the home team (blue) I had reffed a few times before, had a poor game and a couple of good ones. Away team (grey) are new to me. I know they can sometimes be a bit mouthy towards me, but I said to both captains at the toss I was zero tolerance on dissent.

Game kicks off an literally first minute a nothing tackle goes in, ball goes out for throw next to home coaches/subs. Next thing I know grey 10 is arguing with a 50 year old home speccy and they're both winding each other up. I stop the game, speak to them both and remind them the game is 1 minute old. Warn speccy if he doesn't keep it buttoned he's history, and Grey 10 he's being watched.

Game largely continues with the usual questioning of everything from Grey, I thought I was actually having a decent game really. Blue score a quality goal and with 35 minutes gone I turn down a penalty shout for Grey, and actually penalise the player claiming it for handball (he jumped for header and used his right arm to control the ball after it missed his head, straight afterwards keeper took him out), at which point a couple of grey players said I was 'having a shocker'. The keeper seemed a bit surprised so maybe I got that one wrong.

Just before half time blue fouls grey in grey half and player stays down. I give foul and wave on manager to give grey treatment. He seems more interested in questioning me than his player, asked why no penalty. I was getting a bit pissed off, so when I told him handball, he said 'I thought you'd say that, I'd rather you said anything but that', so as I ran off to restart play I said 'take whatever reason you want then'.

Second half started uneventful, about 15 minutes in blue fouls grey, I was debating a yellow. Thought about it and decided against it as it was first foul from that player. Spoke to him and warned him. In hindsight it probably was reckless and perhaps should have cautioned him. In the same situation I would caution.

As kick is paced out and getting set up Grey 18 can't help but get himself involved and was going on and on despite warnings, so he was cautioned.

With 10 mins left Grey 7 looses ball then flies into challenge to win it back. Instantly blow and mass confrontation ensues. All players, both benches, subs, the lot. After it calmed down I sent off Grey 10 for grabbing 3 or 4 players by the throat, Blue 6 for throwing a punch and cautioned Grey 7 for the original tackle.

Pulled both skippers together and told them if they didn't want abandonment they had to keep their players under control for the remainder.

Just one more caution for reckless foul tackle from grey 6 before the end.

Grey goalkeeper equalises from a corner with 1 minute left and Grey 18 goes mental, kicking ball away, in Blue 4's face cheering etc, so he is given second caution and walks.

Last minute Grey have further penalty turned down (keeper won ball despite over elaborate fall from Grey striker), and come final whistle no grey player will shake my hand.

Blue said good game, and were sympathetic it was such a difficult one. Afterwards waiting to be paid a couple of grey said the same, but were generally just rude.

Why do we bother??
A&H International
We bother because (fortunately!) it's not always like that!

Only one piece of hopefully constructive advice .. when someone comes on to 'treat' an injured player, worth putting some space between you and them to avoid them seizing the opportunity to mouth off at you. Just a helpful piece of prevention .. cos we all know it's coming!
Also, I never get involved in a discussion about a decision, unless it's the captain and I think he has a brain.
When a player/manager wants a comment about a decision, I just say "I'll look after the refereeing, you look after the football".
Good point Russell, but I sometimes find it difficult to be too far away from a player getting treatment to prevent anybody taking the piss in any number of ways.

Interestingly had a phone call from the refs sec today about this one.He said he'd had the manager of the grey team 'whinging on to him' about yesterday's game, particularly the challenge where a player ended up with a broken leg!

Turns out the one before half time where the manager came on to give treatment and was pre-occupied with arguing about a turned down penalty the player 'broke his leg'.

He was subbed straight after but walked off the pitch and I was talking to him afterwards, he didn't make a deal of it and even walked home!

I guess he's chipped a bone or hairline fracture or something.

It was never mentioned at the time in any way though - he got his free kick, there was nothing more for me to do, it was a clumsy careless challenge that in no way warranted a card.


We had a good laugh when I told him the real story and he told me some funny stories of his experiences with said team.

On the flip side to this had two really good and enjoyable games today, hotly contested and fair, but played in the right way too.

Hospitality and genuine appreciation of referee from home team in this mornings game too, which was much appreciated.

I added a new piece in my captains speech at the toss that I've been thinking about all week too, and seemed to have the desired effect. 'You won't see me kick the ball at any point, so I don't expect you to tell me how to referee the game at any point either.'

Think I'll keep that one.

Faith in footballing humanity restored.