The Ref Stop


The Ref Stop
Not a chance of that working I don't think, don't want the sport getting turned like rugby!
I see nothing wrong with AAR's and GLT but not the ability to review a decision. Ruins the referee's credibility and match control.
This would destroy a referees match control if a decision is overturned!
Completely agree with you all :) Exactly what I thought when I first read it
I think what we have now is perfect. GLT works for arguably the most important decisions, and, crucially, there is no delay to the game. In cricket DRS works because it's a natural break in play when it occurs but this would ruin the game. Also agree with @Matthew and @Joshua Brayshaw about match control and credibility.
This would destroy a referees match control if a decision is overturned!
Unfortunately I disagree with you on this particular point. How can a review which shows the correct decision affect his control of the game!

However, I agree that this is not suitable for football for different reasons. The example I always quote is:

"a challenge occurs on blue in red penalty area, referee rules no foul - play on;
ball quickly played down field for a red break-away;
blue defender make clear DOGSO challenge (which boards on VC) and injuries the star red forward so he has to leave the FOP;
referee blows for DOGSO offence.
In the 5 seconds that has occured, the Blue manager challenges the referees original penalty decision. On review, penalty should have been given.
Therefore, penalty awarded - no sending off of blue defender and loss of red forward to injury.

Try explaining that to 50,000 fans!"

- which language do you use to communicate the review? rugby, Cricket and American football all use English
- who does the review? original referee, 4th official, Extra official employed at TV offical?
Unfortunately I disagree with you on this particular point. How can a review which shows the correct decision affect his control of the game!

However, I agree that this is not suitable for football for different reasons. The example I always quote is:

"a challenge occurs on blue in red penalty area, referee rules no foul - play on;
ball quickly played down field for a red break-away;
blue defender make clear DOGSO challenge (which boards on VC) and injuries the star red forward so he has to leave the FOP;
referee blows for DOGSO offence.
In the 5 seconds that has occured, the Blue manager challenges the referees original penalty decision. On review, penalty should have been given.
Therefore, penalty awarded - no sending off of blue defender and loss of red forward to injury.

Try explaining that to 50,000 fans!"

- which language do you use to communicate the review? rugby, Cricket and American football all use English
- who does the review? original referee, 4th official, Extra official employed at TV offical?
It would affect your match control because all the players as well as the fans know that you have made a big mistake and consequently you will lose credibility
Sepp has gone completely mad and he's on his way out so he's just saying anything now to make some press.
I agree with lincs22 on this one. It doesn't affect ref/umpire control in rugby, American football, cricket or tennis when there are regular reviews, it's just becomes part of the game. In a strange way it helps players to accept referee mistakes. All stop/start games above and the review process fits well.

I am not convinced it would work in football and it would be very difficult to trial it as it would need to be trialled at a high level of the game where there are the many cameras needed to deploy the system.