Third Party Conversations


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Where do we stand on third party conversations between players, when they are not saying anything to you and dont even mention the word 'ref' but you know they are talking about you.

For example 'He wants to try sending me off, I'l knockhim out'

Are we still doing them under C2 or does our selective deafness just kick in?
A&H International
depends - was it said in such a way you were ment to hear it?

If so, you know what- I'll take my chances and if he kicks off then game's abandonded for threating VC against ref.

But all depends on you, the situation and how you want to play it. I'm 6'1", 18 stone, ex forces with a big mouth, so I'll generally follow through what i do. But opposite could be a short, thin guy with little confidence who couldn;t blow up a balloon i whcih case I'd probs advise against it!
The lad who was the ref was only 16... But I heard it from the sidelines.

I, like you, HRW am a big lad 6'4'' & 17 stone, but dont think that should make a difference as to how to deal with the incident.

As we all know 999 times out of 1000 it is just an idle threat, but it is a threat all the same.

The young lad, chose to do nothing. I just wondered how in law such an incident should be dealt with
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so now with a bit of context it would appear that a speciofic approach is needed.

NB, ever noticed ow punctuation, or lack of can make a diference. I read your second line that you actually liked me - then read on.... lol.
If he threatens to knock anyone out, you send him off so in that case it doesn't really matter does it?