Theoretical Situation


Politically Incorrect
Watched a bit of the egg chasing yesterday evening, England v Ireland.

Before you judge me I know nothing of it and am no fan, however was intrigued when they did there throw in thing.

Imagine there's a corner, and some players lift a striker from there own team up (head has got to be a good 12 feet in the air at the peak of the lift) to head the ball into the goal.

Is this allowed?

And if so why has nobody in the professional game tried it?
A&H International
Because such an action would be regarded as UB and instead of a goal it would be a yellow card and IDFK to defence.
I assume by UB you mean unsporting behaviour?

I don't see how it could do, there's nothing close in LOTG.
It's a technique that's actually discussed in the rugby laws as being part of the game.

It's a technique that _used_ to be in the old footie Q&A as not being part of the game. :)
Fair enough.

Never seen it in a game or anybody even attempt anything similar, just a thought.
It's just grossly outside the spirit of the game and thus provides an unfair advantage to the players. And given that USB applies to basically anything we choose it to..... :p
Actually came up in the refereeing exam I did back in 1998...I went through the same thinking and decided that if you don't see it happening on MOTD then it must be outside of the laws, hence UB!
Dangerous play - think Tony Adams and Steve Morrow. Or alternatively, simple physics; What goes up must come down. Could be lowered, could be dropped, could end up clattering someone else on the way down etc