The whole game


Wished I started this when I was younger
Level 7 Referee
So I'm still trying to access the referee tab in the whole game and keep getting the oops and it's been reported. Asked county and they say everything their end is fine. How often does the system fail ?
A&H International
Worked very smoothly for me last season but I too have had issues this time around. Read elsewhere that it should be a temporary thing .. so give it time :)
Same here just inputted(last week) details of first 3 game of my local league, now I can't access the referee admin tab...
It might happen because there are too many people viewing it at the same time and the system can't keep up
Obvious questions. What browser are you using? Have you cleared your cache? as ive just logged in with no problems
Im using chrome, and i can login no problem, but by time i press the referee admi tab it gets into the ooppss error.
same here , even now I log in ok, but when I go to access the ref tab, I get the oops
Just tried again, no problems getting to the referee dashboard
getting on to the dash board was ok, it was when you were trying to add teams and the league. Thats what happened to mine anyay, i'll just wait till Wednesday to do my reports next week