The Ref Stop

The odd one you cautioned (or not) for dissent


RefChat Addict
Interesting odd/witty/obscure ... things players have told you and you have cautioned (or thought about cautioning ) for dissent. Not interested in the if they deserved it or not although feel free to discuss it or context. Just interested in the ones I havn't heard before. I kick off.

Last night (futsal) player tells me "when you go to bed at night do you feel good about yourself that you got me?" In front of the bench and gets a lough from his bench mates. He was on an earlier USB yellow and been warned about dissent.
The Ref Stop
"You're only here (in this country) because you weren't allowed to referee in England."

Which was TBH hilarious and very well delivered in the player's third language. Well worth a yellow card. The shameful truth is I have never refereed in England, I would love to, but I started 12 years after leaving :(
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A good 10 years or so ago, Saturday pub parks level, I’d given some decision against a chap who’d been getting a bit lippy but nothing that really crossed the line, when after giving a foul or throw against his team (really can’t remember), he yelled “oh COME ON ref” from quite the distance.

Right, time to stamp this out now. Hit whistle, beckon him over, skipper comes across too, and then the immortal phrase escaped my lips of...

“Don’t you ‘come on’ me from 20 yards away”

Whoops 😂
a shout of "oh f***, it's this clown again" drew a pre-game yellow card many years ago.

Not dissent, but a player urinating inside the pitch cage drew another pre-game caution more recently.
Never kicked a ball in your life ref.

"Never at such a low level as this". That's gone through my mind alot when some very average Sunday League players are saying I've never played, but I resist. I have had discussions about my playing days with players when it's come up in conversations, but it's not something I ever bring up in any volatile situations obviously.

I have told one player who was whinging a couple of years ago that my gran could go on a referee course and be reffing your team next week, but he's a player I ref regularly and is good for a laugh.