The Foxes vs the Villa

A&H International
Few interesting points in that one. Hackett taking every opportunity to have a dig at referee appointments. Clattenburg and Atkinson both unavailable - did I read elsewhere that they only both got selected because UEFA had to go over the FA's head to get Clattenburg? And I'm stunned to read that anyone honestly thinks Vardy shouldn't get a longer ban - refuse to leave the FOP and abuse the ref after seeing red at grassroots level and you should be facing an extra 3 games, let alone the one extra he seems to be looking at.
The problem is, in times like this, referee's and former refs need to stick together because we all have games every now and then where we are appalling because we are human too. Support is better than criticism in these situations
You think Mr Hackett is prioritising what's best for refs over his media career?
You think Mr Hackett is prioritising what's best for refs over his media career?
Me? I don't know the circumstances of him leaving and his replacement (Mike Dean?) being appointed, but the only time his name seems to come up nowadays is when he's saying the wrong appointments have been made. It seems to suggest he's got something against his replacement.
I think Keith Hackett, Graham '3 yellows' Poll and Mark Halsey should all hang their damn heads in shame ... they ALL act as if they were the gems of their generation ... but, as Mr Poll proved, they were definitely not ... I'm not personally a lover of Jon Moss, and I do agree that if Martin or Clattsy were about then one of them would have been given the game - but I don't think he had a terrible game really?
I havent seen the game yet but heard lots of reports. However bad he was, like I said earlier, the current and former refs should stick together. We all make mistakes.
Hackett arguing that he was out of position for the dive.....well, the fact that he got a difficult call correct sort of implies that he was in the perfect position!!!
Can't Hackett just bugger of into obscurity? I disagree with what this bloke says at least 5 times more than I agree with him.

As for Poll and particular Halsey, they ought to be ashamed. Especially after the support Poll had after his Germany blunder from his colleagues.