The FA refereeing magazine.


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Had mine come through this week and sat down this morning with a cup of tea to give it a read and enjoyed a piece written in part by a certain Arran Williams. Not sure if it is the same guy as the one on here but it was good to read about associations taking different view points on association meetings. My local RA associations meeting certainly love their agendas and minutes and we get a only few minutes at the end for some training stuff. I would prefer a bit more than we currently have, but due to the age of some the members I would guess it would be presentations rather than physical lol.
A&H International
Not sure where mine is. If I find it I can post it if anyone wants it. May even be able to scan it and upload it if needs be
I'm Welsh you see :p

Ross that would be great if we could all celebrate in Arran's article! Is there a subscription link on a website does anybody know?
I'd like to have access to it, as well. Bit of a long-shot. Is there an online publication?