

Level 7 Referee
Just a question for advice.

I referee in different leagues and normally work alone. But one league I'm in we go out as a three.
My question is, as a referee how can I make my assistants feel part of the team and respected more.

I usually offer them lifts before the game and also do my usual chat and invite them for a warm up. (Some accept others don't) But I'm just looking for other things assistants like which make them feel welcome. For example I noticed after the game we don't always walk back to the changing rooms as a three so I will have to make sure this happens. But is there anything you do when you have assistants to make them more welcome.
A&H International
Dunno about making them feel 'welcome' but we always do everything as a three when we are appointed. Usually traveling together, or meeting on the pitch for a walk-around.

Warm-up together, talk to teams together, walk out together, 'Respect Handshake', toss, check nets and away we go.

Always, ALWAYS meet the ref in the middle at the end of each half and leave the FOP together, even if just wandering over to lean on the fence for ten minutes at half time.
Buy sweets or biscuits for everyone to share in the dressing room It always breaks the ice. Make a point of introducing them by name to the managers and captain as well as yourself so they feel just as important as the guy in the middle. Try to pick out 1 decision they made that was spot on and tell them at H/T or F/T (even if you make more of it for example, great decision on that corner late in the half because to be honest i really wasn't sure so thanks for getting me out of that one) confidence will be brimming for the next time.