Team sheets


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
Just wondering what people do with them once they've got them pre-match

keep them in your top pocket?

put them in your kit bag?

copy information from them onto your match card? e.g. subs names

summat else?
A&H International
I copy the names onto my match card - that makes the cautioning process a lot easier - especially when it gives you the number
If I have time I write the names of all the players into my notebook and then pop the sheets in my zip pocket (Nike kit).
I put one in each pocket and check the names of the subs when they come on. If I caution anyone I refer to the teamsheet to check spelling etc
Write down players names in notebook, then place them in my bag. Will use them to check spellings after the game if needed, then fill them out to send back to the league
Left in the changing room or in my bag, in the tupperware box I use to keep the bits n bobs in. Our teamsheets, after I have filled out the necessaries on them, get handed back to coaches to sign and send in.

Once I carried one in my top pocket, but it got a bit sweaty, and the ink ran, so now they stay as dry as possible!
Generally we have unlocked changing rooms, so the team cards go in my bag on the sideline, and the subs' numbers go in my notebook. I figure if there's ever a dispute about what's on the cards which can't wait until after the game, they're not far away.
would really not call it equipment, and they are good for keeping that snack you need to get through the second half
I like thread like this to get ideas and stuff. For me all depends on the day, Saturday's, league rule stipulate that they must come to me at least 15 minutes before kick off in my dressing room so plenty of time to put them all in my book and pop the sheets in my bag. Sundays i dont even see them until after the game so its a quick note of subs names and off we go. Good old Sunday morning football for you!!!
What I do is I write down the initials of each player into my wallet - this saves writing all there names. Then they're left in my bag.

This is interesting too because I had a game once where a team wanted to make a sub - on comes player and I ask, "number and your initials please fella?"
He looked blank, turned to coach and shouted "Hey.. Hey! What's Jack's last name?"
Coach put his head in his hands while I told the player he wasn't coming on.