Junior/Youth Talking with players after incident

Will Triffitt

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Had a red card last weekend, first of the season, for violent conduct. 100% sure that I got the decision right. In the centre circle, orange midfielder went to kick the ball away from blue midfielder. Misses, kicks blue player who goes down. Before I could blow whistle for freekick, blue player (already on a yellow) kicks opponent in violent manner. I blow whistle, red card for blue and yellow for orange. No complaints from anyone at all. I am certain I got the decision right and I know I restarted wrongly (different post for different time) but have learnt from that and RDO was helpful. When the blue player got up, he knew what was coming and I just pulled out and showed the red card he walked off calmly. I think I said 'What was the point of that?! You have left me with no choice but I need to ask you to leave' but it happened very quickly. He then questioned whether I had given the midfielder a card when he was off the pitch - 'You better give him a f***ing card ref!' he shouted. Other players and his coaches explained I had. Should I have taken them both to the side and then explained what was happening or was it alright. Looking back now I was surrounded by players so something could have kicked off. I feel I handled the situation fine and kept control as there were no issues but for future reference, is there a better/different/more right way of talking to players and issuing a red card? Sounds a bit jumbled up and don't think this is well explained - any questions, please ask!
A&H International
Spot on as far as I'm concerned. Got rid of the problem player quickly, that defuses the situation, deal with the yellow at leisure......
Spot on as far as I'm concerned. Got rid of the problem player quickly, that defuses the situation, deal with the yellow at leisure......
i agree get rid of the red carded player first, incase other opposition players want to get involvrd
Thought I got it right and had no issues. Fair play to the orange player or his team mates for not reacting but if had taken them aside would it have stopped blue's comment?
Tricky one for the fact that no two incidents like this are the same, there are always variables.

To be honest if this is one with the V/C and no retaliation of V/C I'd say get rid of the culprit quickly as you have and deal with the yellow at your leisure (and I mean leisure, drag it out as long as you can get away with without being seen as being indecisive- you have a situation to calm down).

Bringing them together risks it all kicking off again.

Sounds like you've done a great job mate, well done.
Reds first, yellows second. You dealt with this correctly and as you said, someone else took the strain of explaining to the dismissed player that the opponent had in fact been cautioned.