The Ref Stop

Substitution query


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
When is a substitution complete?
Also do any of you wait for player to get into position!
The Ref Stop
When is a substitution complete?
What does the relevant law say?

This is stated black and white in the laws - I think we'd be doing you a disservice by answering this. The only way you're going to learn the laws is to refer to them every time you have a law query. Then if it's a more ambiguous situation, you're unsure, or you can't find it, then ask on here.
In the meantime, the best thing you can do to help yourself is to look for the answer and let us know how you go.
Also do any of you wait for player to get into position!
Depends. For a normal game playing stoppage time with limited subs, I will.
In Australia, scheduling is so tight that usually most games are played with the strict instruction not to have stoppage time - so only the top levels have limited subs and stoppage time. Most other grades are played with rolling subs (unlimited interchange). Subs are still made properly, but they're unlimited.
So in a game with no stoppage time and unlimited subs I won't wait for the sub to get into position. That extra 10 seconds or so across 10-15 subs, really starts to eat into the game time. Even if I was playing stoppage time with unlimited subs I probably wouldn't wait.

But with limited subs, you and your AR (if you have one) will need to write in your notebook. Always wait for your AR to get back into position - which will likely be slower than the player anyway.
If the subsitutes are running into position I will normally wait. if the are walking then I dont