The Ref Stop

World Cup Spain v Zambia

Mr Dean

RefChat Addict

These referee announcements for the goals were a mess. It's much simpler to blow the whistle, draw an imaginary TV screen and point to the centre mark. All players and spectators, including non-English speakers, understood the signal before these nonsense announcements. FIFA now need to fix something which they broke.
The Ref Stop

These referee announcements for the goals were a mess. It's much simpler to blow the whistle, draw an imaginary TV screen and point to the centre mark. All players and spectators, including non-English speakers, understood the signal before these nonsense announcements. FIFA now need to fix something which they broke.
I totally agree with you on this one. The announcements being made add nothing at all. They should either drop it or change what is announced to something that provides more information than the traditional verbal signals. The latter may be challenging for refs who would be asked to make the announcement in second (or third, etc.) languages.