Some rather alternative LOTG challenges

Yes, agreed; I came in too quickly here without proper consultation of the relevant passage in law on goalkeeper's being exempt from misconduct handling offences. I stand humbly corrected (incidentally, it has never actually happened to me in a match), and my reference to Liverpool vs. Bordeaux (not Marseille, as I wrote first time) overlooked the critical fact that Mignolet conceded the indirect free kick, but not the yellow card.

He should have been cautioned IMO, not for the offense of holding the ball too long, but for refusing to put it down after the whistle. That's delaying the restart.
A&H International
One more:

During the game a substitution is carried out. The player who enters the field has a rather alternative "name" on the back of his shirt- "You knobheads" and 69 as a number. What is your decision?

Unless his surname was actually " You knobheads" and his number was 69, then he wouldn't be entering the field in the first place as it wouldn't match the team line.
Thanks. Had a look at couldn't find it.
Well, that says 'if the ball touches the ref'. Not 'if the ref touches the ball'. Stretching it I know, but it kinda fits :D (stretching is justifiable as the intent of the law clearly wasn't to cover scenarios like in this thread!)

Hows about this then:
Since the LOTG says the referee and his assistants are considered part of the match, could you then not treat the assistant as you would a player? By that I mean that he's deliberately kicked the ball (as alluded to above by yourself) and therefore is guilty of unsporting behaviour or displaying a lack of respect for the game? In which case, I'd be showing him a yellow card and dropping the ball from where he did it.(?) :D
The Teofilo Gutierrez incident yesterday made me think of something else:

If a player steals your vanishing spray and sprays you in the face, what do you do?
The Teofilo Gutierrez incident yesterday made me think of something else:

If a player steals your vanishing spray and sprays you in the face, what do you do?

I'm sending him off for VC, it's no different than him slapping me across the face. But I would hope that at the level the use of vanishing spray is authorized at the player would has a lot more sense than that.