Social Media


Level 7 Referee
Sorry if this has already been talked about, and it probably has loads of times, but I just wanted to bring it up.

At the beginning of the course we were told that we should be very careful and contemplate on what we post on social media particularly if it was to do with other referees. This kinda sent me into a panic and a deep clean of my social media posts on Twix and Faceache. It is difficult to think twice when you see something posted by a player and you don't want to appear too familiar even if you know them. There have been times I have posted something completely unrelated to football and thought about how it could be turned to suit anybody's agenda. As well as being a ref, I am also a football photographer so social media plays a big part in that.

Not really looking for advice, just wanted to post something!
A&H International
Just be cautious when you post things regarding referees. An example being, a lot of Twitter pages will post scenarios or ask what you would have done in a situation.

It’s fine to disagree with others and to give your own opinion, however there is a line. Just make sure it doesn’t become toxic or a situation where you’re slagging the ref off.
The problem with social media is that every positive post attracts 50 negative posts. As an example, if you posted praising a match official at the Euros or Olympics, a host of armchair referees will disagree, so it's much easier not to comment on public platforms.
It isn't just social media posts about football that are risky for a referee. Anything even vaguely controversial could be seized upon or used against you. As a member of this forum will attest to, he upset a team and they trawled all of his social media history across all platforms, screenshotted and sent to his CFA to try and discredit him.

Also not just refereeing, many employers now hire specialist 3rd parties to investigate potential employee's social media histories before they will offer them a job. You need to be very careful posting anything.
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