Social Media to keep up with the news.


RefChat Addict
Level 3 Referee
Just curious what you guys think of this;

So, my league doesn't have a league website. The sports journalists dedicated to the local football were all apparently laid off as part of budget cuts. Some clubs have a website, but not many and those that do have abandoned some of theirs. As you can imagine, not an ideal scenario really as it limits keeping up with regional news to the society meetings once a month. Also, no news in the summer! :(

Most of them are on Twitter though. So, I've created a twitter account just so I can keep up with some of the news. For example, at the moment it seems a lot of teams are going through pre-season and are doing so outside of the county, which explains a lot - the pitches down here were decimated from the rain last season.

I'm just wondering what you guys think about using social media in this way. I vaguely remember old advice was to steer clear of getting into any post-match discussion on there, but there shouldn't be any harm being a passive observer on there surely? Just to be on the safe side though, if something does happen I assume the first port of call is the local association, or would they not be interested in this at all?
A&H International
Just curious what you guys think of this;

So, my league doesn't have a league website. The sports journalists dedicated to the local football were all apparently laid off as part of budget cuts. Some clubs have a website, but not many and those that do have abandoned some of theirs. As you can imagine, not an ideal scenario really as it limits keeping up with regional news to the society meetings once a month. Also, no news in the summer! :(

Most of them are on Twitter though. So, I've created a twitter account just so I can keep up with some of the news. For example, at the moment it seems a lot of teams are going through pre-season and are doing so outside of the county, which explains a lot - the pitches down here were decimated from the rain last season.

I'm just wondering what you guys think about using social media in this way. I vaguely remember old advice was to steer clear of getting into any post-match discussion on there, but there shouldn't be any harm being a passive observer on there surely? Just to be on the safe side though, if something does happen I assume the first port of call is the local association, or would they not be interested in this at all?
Whilst I dont follow any clubs directly I do follow the league accounts I officiate on. Anything of importance from a refereeing perspective will likely be tweeted or retweeted by them. If I need to nosey at a club I'll just look them up. Fairly handy for following pitch inspection updates at Contrib level games.
There is absolutely no problem with being on social media. It is how you use it. I went through and cleaned mine up from days before refereeing deleting anything I thought might not paint me in the best picture.
It goes without saying that you should not engage in any discussions regarding refereeing of games, whether you were the referee or not, even when a clubs account might tweet a post about the ref (most dont do this as they know they can get in trouble for it).
It can be a useful tool for following County FA's, Ref societies and fellow referees so its not a no go area. Just be sensible. Dont post anything that your employer might not be happy with and add a little message to advise thst views are your own and you should be able to get along with it.
Hi Roboda,

I think there is no problem to use social media like the way you have mentioned. As the social media is growing and we can follow different sports accounts easily and this helps us to get the latest information about the things we like. Also, I agree with James it depends on how we will use it, I usually spend about 10 - 15 minutes daily on my twitter account and this is enough for me to get updates for my favorite sports. It's worth to use it and this infographic explaining the growth of recent years. This proves that social media is a playing important role in every field.