So, the season is coming to an end.....


Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
What are your plans over the summer? Other than watching the Euros and Olympics?
A&H International
Keep/get fit got some sessions put on by our CFA in July but also going to do preseason with my local team starting mid-June other than that just working!
What are your plans over the summer? Other than watching the Euros and Olympics?

There's more to do this summer?

Oh of course, the West Indies and South Africa test match series. Yes, watching thosetoo.
I'm going to be working on getting leaner and fitter for the new season - my first as a L4.

Probably get a little cricket in as well between now and then.

Can't wait for the new season already... It's gonna draaaaaaaggggggg!!!!!!
My Level 6-5 seminar and a week in Cardiff for the Welsh Super Cup for me in refereeing terms!

Otherwise, lots of Sport-watching on the box!