Open Age Sliding tackles...


RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
Still struggle with this...
50/50, Purple player comes sliding in on his arse, like a train, head on to the red player with the ball, foot up (he's sliding), but with the foot an inch or two off the ground and takes the ball as clean as a whistle. There is no contact with the red player (who still ends up on the deck via the force through the ball)
I'm always in two minds as to what to do.
I blew for a foul as I felt it was reckless (so caution), as if nothing else, the next time he came sliding in like that he could have followed through, or missed the ball altogether and crashed into the red player's shin.
The purple team complained bitterly that he won the ball cleanly, but as referees, should we be pulling up these sorts of tackles because they are potentially dangerous and should be discouraged??
Did I do wrong??
A&H International
Doesn't sound like you did wrong. Remember, there are many considerations as to whether a tackle is careless, reckless or with excessive force and making contact with the opponent is only one of them (albeit an important one). The speed of the tackle relative to the skill of the player is an important consideration and it sounds like he was rather too fast. Likewise, it sounds as if his leg may have been locked into position (another cue for a whistle), and like the fore he used to make the tackle was rather heavy as compared to the skill level of the players in general.

As a response to the winning the ball cleanly, you might like to say something to the effect of "Yeah, he was lucky because had he not won it cleanly, it would have been much worse for him."
I agree with Ryan, sounds good work to me. Players will complain, but if we referees consistently apply the law as it stands, they will get used to the fact that times have moved on and the days of throwing your body mindlessly into challenges is gone.
I had one yesterday where the player did this but missed both player and ball, still pulled it up as an attempt to trip. This got me thinking on the way home, could an attempt to kick or trip be seen as a caution or dismissal offence? I suppose if he clearly swings a leg to boot him one but misses but in terms of a reckless attempt to trip would you caution?
Luke Shaw ......!!! its all about being in control ...and generally in low level football this is hard to find ...so free kick !
I had one yesterday where the player did this but missed both player and ball, still pulled it up as an attempt to trip. This got me thinking on the way home, could an attempt to kick or trip be seen as a caution or dismissal offence? I suppose if he clearly swings a leg to boot him one but misses but in terms of a reckless attempt to trip would you caution?
Guy swings a fist (ie, throws a punch) at another player. Misses.

Do you dismiss?

That should lead nicely into the answer I'd think... :)
Guy swings a punch he is walking all day long, the connection is irrelevant, but that is not the question I was asking. My question was Is there such a thing as a reckless attempt to trip?
Had a similar one a few weeks ago in an U13s match. Kid comes steaming in, studs up, clips the top of the ball and straight through his opponent.

Excessive force? Absolutely! Walked him, no complaints from the manager. No reaction whatsoever from the player, not a word or anything, was kind of weird, the lights were barely on and no one was at home!

The force of the challenge even killed the ball, couple of stud marks that wasn't there prior to kick off.
Guy swings a punch he is walking all day long, the connection is irrelevant, but that is not the question I was asking. My question was Is there such a thing as a reckless attempt to trip?

I'd be more inclined to consider this an IFK for PIADM, so still cautionable for the severity of the danger. I probably wouldn't go for a DFK unless I feel like it was really 'at' the player.

But in answer to your question - say a player came in with a jumping 2 foot sliding tackle right at or in front of the opponent who jumped over it. RC for SFP for 'attempting to trip' (or kick....the two are fairly interchangeable).