The Ref Stop

Simulation appeal dismissed - ICT v Rangers Colts


New Member
Apparently the Scottish FA's three man panel doesn't think this video evidence was enough to rescind this yellow for simulation. It was a second YC which means the player will miss the Challenge Cup final.

The Ref Stop
That's quite a strong letter really. Glad they don't slate the ref and acknowledge that he gave what he saw. I had to watch it a few times to make sure but yeah it looks like no 8 has barged into him.

I would be interested to see more transparency in the panels - sometimes a clear offence is overturned and I do wonder how!
If you look at the 'diver', the 'perpetrator' and both teams reactions, they all say 'foul'. All I can think is that the 'diver' must have had 'previous' that swayed the referee and all 3 panel members.
Should've been rescinded (even though they're all cheats)
Does stink a bit what with the Cup Final thrown into the mix
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If you look at the 'diver', the 'perpetrator' and both teams reactions, they all say 'foul'. All I can think is that the 'diver' must have had 'previous' that swayed the referee and all 3 panel members.

Would be interesting to know what their deliberation was. Fairly sure the panel can only review the incident and 'previous' isn't a consideration
I’d be interested to know what Greg Aitken thinks about it now. The ICT statement says he gave simulation as he believed, from his angle, there was no contact. However, watching it back there’s definitely contact. For me, not enough for a penalty - but not simulation.
I’d be interested to know what Greg Aitken thinks about it now. The ICT statement says he gave simulation as he believed, from his angle, there was no contact. However, watching it back there’s definitely contact. For me, not enough for a penalty - but not simulation.
Outside the PA
If you look at the 'diver', the 'perpetrator' and both teams reactions, they all say 'foul'. All I can think is that the 'diver' must have had 'previous' that swayed the referee and all 3 panel members.
If you read Caleys statement, it shows that Keatings has no previous with simulation nor a red card.
As a Scot, I find this highly embarrassing. I have seen people who don’t normally look at the Scottish game talking about this decision. Could do without having this negative look on the SFA. Shocking decision by the 3 man panel.
Reviewing yellow cards? I know it lead to a red but English FA don't allow it. Not sure it's common amongst other FAs either