
A&H International
Crazy! Can't see how that could ever be a caution. If he's done it and he's laughing at a player close by, then maybe for showing a lack of respect for the game but for that??
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This shows more of the incident. I'm not convinced it was for the keepy-uppies, but there was a strange gesture from the CR that could be interpreted that way
Reminds me of a recent game of mine. U18 where Red were hammering Blue and Blue players were going down injured just to get a break. Score was "only" 6-0 at half time but Red were dominating and taking pot shots for a laugh. Then Red GK start doing his FIFA impression - drop the ball and start dribbling by Blue players to the half way line. I really really really wanted to caution but nothing I could do.
Reminds me of a recent game of mine. U18 where Red were hammering Blue and Blue players were going down injured just to get a break. Score was "only" 6-0 at half time but Red were dominating and taking pot shots for a laugh. Then Red GK start doing his FIFA impression - drop the ball and start dribbling by Blue players to the half way line. I really really really wanted to caution but nothing I could do.

These situations are a powder keg and a broken leg or mass brawl waiting to happen

Either the opponents accept their doing and pray for the whistle
they decide if they going down, they going down in style and taking some casualties with them

there is seldom you can do nothing, you can be proactive, quiet words in passing " guys look i get you are winning easy but try be respectful please'
' gk look, am not wanting one of them cementing you, be careful"
and so on

if you do this, even discretely, and it still kicks off or the team still do tricks, you can at least drive home knowing at least you tried.

i was on a senior line at a low league game where the winning team had an ex intenationalist playing and he was starting his juggling ( he was a skillful winger anyway), and upon feeling the tempo rise, the ref did indeed say

" xxxx, ( he indeed had a 4 letter first nane", I am hearing in passing if you dont stop that, big Shug ( for that was his name), is going to smaah you"

One - ' big Shug' never said that
two - the tricks stopped

as much as the players might claim they wish to entertain the fans, be mindful we have a duty for protecting players, in whatever form that takes
Hard for the winger to do his keepy ups when he now is being stretchered off the pitch,

granted you need have a unique relationship with the players to pull that off but there is always more you can do than nothing,