The Ref Stop

Round red cards

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The ones on refs world have 3 little squares next to a shirt. You put the number in the shirt and the name across the three squares in small writing. Easy peasy
The Ref Stop
is their a possible referee safety issue of having a round card in your pocket? Being wider and not fitable in the same card holders than the oblong versions you could turn quick and get circumfresized :rolleyes: if you're not careful!!
Personally, my fingers get cold very quickly when the temperature starts to drop, and with cold fingers, a wallet with cards in can be definitely be fiddly and slow, causing you to look unprofessional. In addition, where possible, I like to use write-on cards and have recently started trying RefSix on my watch - in both cases, a wallet/notepad does come onto the pitch with me, but only as a backup.

Therefore, more often than not I go with the backup wallet in my right shorts pocket, yellow in left shirt pocket, red in back right pocket and a pair of cards in my right shirt pocket as backup and to use for second-yellow cards. If I have to use a wallet to take names (if there are no team sheets, or I didn't have time to transcribe them into my notebook), then the separated single cards go back into the wallet, but I'll still keep a backup pair in my top right pocket.

Obviously this topic is the definition of personal preference, I don't think there's such a thing as a "right" way to do it.
Not really.

I just think at at Grass Roots, the correct protocol for cautioning or dismissing a player should be followed.

If that protocol dictates that you should take out your notebook and write down the miscreant's details, explain your decision and then show the relevant card - then why in the name of trousery bumwipes, would you want either card anywhere but in your notebook? :)
That's the best idea I've heard in the discussion, although I think everyone (me included) except @Kes is overthinking this one
Coincidentally, I had two S7's last night, but the minor delay as i foraged in two pockets went unnoticed!
I did however drop my pen in the excitement, which left me feeling naked when I next reached for it :egg::oops:
Same thing happened to me with my last S7😂
I use a write on yellow card so for yellows the card is out. No surprises. Its a caution. If its red the notebook comes out. Jot the name and then red from right pocket.
I keep my yellow in my top front pocket and a yellow and red in my left pocket for second bookable offences.
Each to their own on this one. It's what works for you.
Pretty much exactly the same as me now
I'm surprised you were taught to have your cards ready to "flash" like that Alex, no matter what the situation - especially at our level.

In my experience it doesn't matter how quickly you flash your card, if the players are going to kick off over a challenge or your decision over a challenge then they'll kick off. If nothing else, doing the process properly, (ie whistle blast, isolate player, take name/number, explain what you've seen and your decision - then show the card) gives everybody time to calm down and after a flash point, emphasises that you are in calm control.

Sprinting over to an incident/whatever and flashing a card immediately not only indicates to the players that you're "caught up in the drama" but can be seen as "reactive" in the same sense as they are. For nasty challenges etc. I generally use the pitch and tone of my whistle blast to indicate how seriously I view it.

Having said all that, each of us is different and you need to do what works for you. There's other experienced referees on here that clearly think the same way you do so best of luck to you. ;):cool:
I don't think he is taught to 'flash' his cards for anything. The teaching consensus seems to be, if the red card can be shown quickly to diffuse a situation, do it. There is a time and a place for this and it does help to diffuse certain situations.
I don't think he is taught to 'flash' his cards for anything. The teaching consensus seems to be, if the red card can be shown quickly to diffuse a situation, do it. There is a time and a place for this and it does help to diffuse certain situations.
Exactly this
On the avoiding confusion point for the second yellow - I keep a red and yellow in my top pocket. The yellow has a pebbled texture, whilst the red is smooth. Easy to tell which needs to be shown first, especially if it will defuse things.
As I said at the start of the thread. You will usually have 5 or so pockets in a referee's kit. You don't need any fancy tricks to put a specific card in a specific pocket and remember where it is.

For me, red is in the back, yellow is top left with my match card - I prefer to get them both out together straight away when cautioning, this seems to settle people down quicker. (spare red and yellow in other top pocket)
if you want a round red card search hockey umpire kit, no place for these horrrible things on a footballl pitch
I actually own a round red card, and its come in handy once.
Due to my shorts NOT having a back pocket (finding comfortable shorts (in length and general comfort), with pockets, is a nightmare for me), I use a yellow and red in my left pocket and notepad in the right. I do put masking tape on the yellow so when giving cards out, the number and name goes on that.
When that round red came in handy was, after giving a free kick, I blew the whistle for said FK, and called the offender over. As the offender came over (was just a telling off as it was his 2nd foul in about 5 minutes - using stepped approach), the fouled player miraculously healed (he was rolling around), and ran the now 6-7 yards and headbutted the offender. Thankfully we have team sheets and with team mates shouting his name and asking/demanding what the f*ck he was doing, I had a good idea that the name in the notepad was correct. I flashed the red (easy to locate in the pocket) and took notepad out once I was safe to do so to confirm his name. This did defuse the situation a bit as not many rushed in to the melee that occurred and some even applauded me.

Normally, though, a red is only given once name is in the notepad.
We get educated early on about flash cards and we don't have the same RC instructions as in the UK (small PUKKI PARTY Nordic country here).

I blew a (hmm maybe 7-6 or a bit higher equiv) promotion partly on poor handling of an incident where a flash yellow would have been the perfect action (OK I also should have YC'd the GK that "ran" 60 yards to get involved ;) ).

Thanks to the good folks on here I have ended up with:

Not Nike shorts 'cos everything falls out!
Match card, pen and yellow in front right (flash yellow; match card and primary card can come out together if I am thinking 2nd yellow; or one after the other in normal circs)
Red in front left (for quick 2nd YC-RC, or flash red)
Spare yellow in top right pocket (tumble weed)
Spare red in back pocket (used a few times for more ceremonial reds but now I always use the front one PUKKI PARTY)

Plastic A&H cards!
TBH kinda wish I'd gone down the tape-on-the-yellow-card route but I'm a creature of habit
one of each in my card wallet yellow in top right red in back pocket. Nike shorts rubbish stuff just falls out of side pockets
I think flashing cards can be good in the right situation (not had one yet) especially for when someone’s preventing the restart. Taking the name will probably frustrate the non-offending team as they probably want to get on with it.

I’m enjoying the Nike shorts, I have my red card in my back pocket, second red in the my left pocket (I use it for second yellows as it’s less fiddly than going to the back pocket after showing the yellow) and a second yellow in my right pocket. Nothing’s fallen out yet (🤞) but I can imagine small bits like coins might be prone to falling out
I think flashing cards can be good in the right situation (not had one yet) especially for when someone’s preventing the restart. Taking the name will probably frustrate the non-offending team as they probably want to get on with it.

Just be aware that if you go for promotion in England and flash the cards you will get marked down for it. The only time it is allowed is foillowing a very bad tackle for VC where a quick red card might prevent a mass confrontation.
Let's dive two footed into this one then ;) My personal preference...

Shorts (L): Red, notebook, pen (one of the short Argos/bookies ones)
Shorts (R): Yellow, pen
Top: Yellow and Red pair
Back: Coin, tissue (to wipe your hands, sniff some Olbas oil, or go to your back pocket and scare some gobby fart and blow your nose instead, etc) ;)
Just be aware that if you go for promotion in England and flash the cards you will get marked down for it. The only time it is allowed is foillowing a very bad tackle for VC where a quick red card might prevent a mass confrontation.
Yeah, I’ve heard that and keep it in mind. Never had one yet though!
Yeah, I’ve heard that and keep it in mind. Never had one yet though!
Only ever had one flash red card. Attacker punched the defender, caught him with a great left-right combo. I piled in with a quick red that diffused the situation, though as he walked off the captain of the defending team decided to give him a kick to help him on his way, so he got a red too!
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