The Ref Stop

Right I'm all Assessed out....


RefChat Addict
So I've done my 20+ Middles, 10 Supply Lines, Fitness Test, Promotion Seminar and Exam.

I've been Assessed 6 times in middle - as well as 6 more times on line! - so it's safe to say I'm all Assessed out!

Now all that's left is the waiting game....will I make it to Level 4 or 5? Or will I stay a Level 6?

Excitedly nervous!
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The Ref Stop
Good work. I'd assume the Level 5 is a given, as they wouldn't have done the extra assessments for the L4 is you hadn't at least made the grade, but I guess you know that anyway.

What's your average for the L5-4 assessments so far?

As long as you're above 73 and you are competent in all other areas of admin then your CFA will nominate you.....good luck.
Don't you need to do 35 middles if you're doing the double jump?

Good point - you need to have done 40 middles and 15 lines in total since 1st March 2015. 20 middles and 5 lines have to have been done by the end of October (I think) as this was the L6-5 cut-off for double-jumpers.
I don't belive that 6 - 5 - 4 is a double jump the same that 7 - 6 - 5 is. as 6 to 5 is a CFA matter, with you being nominated to The FA for the 4, and it is then at their discresion as to their needs and wants for who then progresses to 4.

I never understood it till last year when a whle load of other 6's got their 5, and half got their 4 ontop - not for doing anything extra, bar their fitness test and having their recommendations accepted.

As such this year I;m hoping 6 to 5, then next year look for 5 to 4 as I'd not planned for the required line / taken the FT.

Slow and steady, learning curve, and if Mr (sorry forget you name) can get onto the FL Line at 53, I've still got 20 years!
Not according to the FA seminar I went on back in October. They are 2 distinct promotion schemes, with their own criteria. What is true is that it is up to the CFA to nominate the candidate so who knows if they have some creative license on how they declare the completed matches.
See I've had both pieces of information given to me but then it all started coming back as I didn't need to do 50 games!
Darius, PLEASE don't jump 6-4 if offered the opportunity. Take the time at 5. If you're good enough now to get to 4, you'll still be good enough in a year's time, but you'll be more experienced at middles closer to what you'll expect as a 4, as well as more ready for Contrib lines.
I'm speaking from personal experience, as someone who ENORMOUSLY regrets going 6-4!
So I've done my 20+ Middles, 10 Supply Lines, Fitness Test, Promotion Seminar and Exam.

I've been Assessed 6 times in middle - as well as 6 more times on line! - so it's safe to say I'm all Assessed out!

Now all that's left is the waiting game....will I make it to Level 4 or 5? Or will I stay a Level 6?

Excitedly nervous!
@Darius - if you think your assessed out now, wait until you are a L4.
Of the 10 supply middles you will get (yes, that is all) you will be assessed at least 4 times. On the contrib lines, you will also be heavily assessed - as the referee will be assessed.

Also be aware, L4 assessments are assessments not always the same, nice you get at L6. We have a marking guide which we must follow.

I agree with @DanCohen17, making 6-4 jump is hard, both in terms of the step up in your refereeing ability but the expectation of the clubs you officiate.
Just as a matter of interest, shouldn't you have been formally told you'd gone from 6 to 5 at the end of October? If they've given you another 3 assessments, I'd assume you have been promoted to 5 already, but if your Wholegame a/c is not updated etc. it might look a bit odd.
Where to start answering these!!!

Right @DanCohen17 your warning is heeded! I'm already doing as high level as I can at Level 5 anyway this year as round here there isn't a difference! So that side doesn't worry me as much as perhaps it might do if I still lived in Scarborough where this wouldn't be the case - now live in Bradford. And I also would have made my L5 last year if it wasn't for something happening at work last year which stopped me getting my games in - I finish that job on Friday so that won't be a problem moving forward. Thanks for the words of caution though they are taken on board!

@lincs22 I'm aware of the jump in numbers of assessments. I actually enjoy being assessed and I also can't wait to get into some 'proper' ones all the time. I've found the 5-4 ones much better because they are critical and it makes you better I believe. Also in a similar vain I'm excited for the extra expectations (should I be successful).

@Monotone Whistle I'm unsure if I'm honest, I'd assume they'd have told me if there were any issues and wouldn't have done the extra assessments though likes been said.

Thanks to all for your comments and 'feedback', guess it's all up in the air for a couple of weeks before the higher powers decide what they want to do with me. If I go L5 I won't lie I will be a little disappointed but it's not the end of the world and I'll always have next year!