The Ref Stop

Junior/Youth Right choice or not?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Red v White. U11's.

Red attacking on edge of area, stationary and clearly wondering whether to go round the white defender in front of him. Another white player approaches (running) from red players right shoulder. He clearly makes contact with the ball with a cracking sliding tackle but up ends the Red player and puts him horizontal in the air. I gave a free kick in favour of the attacker stating the sliding tackle was good but you took the player as well. As always, offenders parents oppose my decision, the other sides parents agree with me.
Was I right or wrong? What would you choose?
Thank you in advance.
The Ref Stop
depends if hes got the ball or the man first for me if he carries on through the man after the ball its a fair tackle just a bit forcefuif he goes through the man to the ball its a foul but its a matter of opinion and being there and seeing it
Sounds like I got it wrong then. He got the ball first with right foot but then clattered the lad from waist down with the momentum of his whole body just following through. It was a proper ' win the ball but take all'.
...mmmm, thinks.

He's tripped (or kicked - we're possibly into semantics as to which) an opponent and did so either carelessly (probably) or recklessly (possible) or maybe even with reckless force.

To my mind that equals foul by defender, DFK to attacking side. Possible caution, probably not, but I'd have had to have seen it to decide.

But then, I'm here to learn, so happy to be shot down in flames if others disagree.
Hi @RefJef thanks for the input. My only way of describing it is just imagine seeing someone literally landing on their back after losing their footing on ice.
In my opinion, just because a player got the ball doesn't make it a sound tackle. If it a reckless or worse tackle (by your judgement) then it should be a DFK and dealt with appropriately, whether or not they got the ball. e.g going in at full pelt, gets ball first but continues into player.
If a player gets the ball and you question whether it's still a foul, I tend to use a loose rule of thumb by asking myself the following question:

'Did the player who made the challenge prevent a realistic opportunity for the upended player to attempt to regain possession by taking him out?'

Yes = foul
No = play on

Obviously even if he won the ball with the tackle, if he gains an unfair advantage by taking him out as well, that is the ultimate definition of a foul.
It's like my cup final a defender comes in two footed but wins the ball first now I said your lucky that you won ball other wise you'd been sent off and not receiving a caution
Sliding tackle, for me if he takes out the player then a free kick every time, ok he played the ball but in that instance gone through the player, if he goes in all studs blazing then he's walking.
OK - so to adapt this scenario a little as we all seem to be in agreement (foul & DFK), what about this:

Red is running with the ball, pushing the ball 1 metre or so in front of himself as he runs, but he's in control of the ball.

White defender slides in from side (whilst ball 1 metre ahead of red), and cleanly takes ball. Red, unable to stop, continues running and trips over the outstretched leg of white.

Foul or play on?
OK - so to adapt this scenario a little as we all seem to be in agreement (foul & DFK), what about this:

Red is running with the ball, pushing the ball 1 metre or so in front of himself as he runs, but he's in control of the ball.

White defender slides in from side (whilst ball 1 metre ahead of red), and cleanly takes ball. Red, unable to stop, continues running and trips over the outstretched leg of white.

Foul or play on?

Play on.

You answered your own question really 'UNABLE TO STOP'.

Plus contact was completed by the red player, not the tackler.
OK - so to adapt this scenario a little as we all seem to be in agreement (foul & DFK), what about this:

Red is running with the ball, pushing the ball 1 metre or so in front of himself as he runs, but he's in control of the ball.

White defender slides in from side (whilst ball 1 metre ahead of red), and cleanly takes ball. Red, unable to stop, continues running and trips over the outstretched leg of white.

Foul or play on?
Play on....
So he slid, got the ball, but collected the player with his hip sliding through the player? That sounds like 'carelessly tackles' so far....

How far 'beyond' the opponent did the slide stop?
I think it is one of those which you could sell either way. Personally it sounds like the tackle, although fair, was a bit reckless, if nothing else, have a word with the player who made the tackle and say to be careful. Just because you get the ball, it doesn't mean the tackle is fair
I think it is one of those which you could sell either way. Personally it sounds like the tackle, although fair, was a bit reckless, if nothing else, have a word with the player who made the tackle and say to be careful. Just because you get the ball, it doesn't mean the tackle is fair
Do you mean careless rather than reckless? ;)