Right Behind Gay Refs #RBGR

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Level 7 Referee
Inspired by the #RBGF campaign, I have come out as openly gay. This has been most difficult and I will probably receive a lot of abuse from all over the footballing community because of it, however, I believe that if we start to get #RBGR (Right Behind Gay Refs) trending we can as can make a difference. Would really appreciate it if people started to trend this as it would encourage other refs to come out as well.;)
A&H International
That is a very brave step to take Karl, and I really do admire you for it.

My personal feeling, as a referee, if I ever hear any gay abuse, it will be treated exactly the same as racial abuse.

Good on ya.
It's always felt a little patronising to "congratulate" someone on coming out, but I hope you know what I mean and what my intentions were :] I've always treated homophobic abuse in the same way that racial or general insulting and offensive language is. I hope, and trust (and am optimistic), that you won't suffer any abuse because of it. Feels like a weight off your shoulders, right?x
It's always felt a little patronising to "congratulate" someone on coming out, but I hope you know what I mean and what my intentions were :] I've always treated homophobic abuse in the same way that racial or general insulting and offensive language is. I hope, and trust (and am optimistic), that you won't suffer any abuse because of it. Feels like a weight off your shoulders, right?x

Absolutely, tbh, it feels as if I can be normal and be myself for a change instead of pretending to be something I wasn't.
Good on you mate. Just strikes me as a shame that some areas of our society are still so backward that even in 2013 this sort of campaign is necessary.

Lets hope things do change and quickly. :)
Well done, lad, on coming out and being comfortable in your own skin. I wouldn't really support a twitter hashtaggy kind of thing because, as a general rule, I think they're useless rubbish anyway.
Good on you Karl hopefully this well encourage others to do the same and end the abuse that people still see as acceptable
Good on ya mate. Hope it's going well for you this season. We are always here for you if you need support.

Just one thing though.
I'm not sure about the title of "get right behind gay footbalers"is doing the campaign credit. I have gay friends who would find that a wee bit offensive. Just a point....
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Frankly, if players are more worried about what you do in your spare time than on their performance, they must be pretty shallow people.
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