Request a change of fixture?


RefChat Addict
I've been allocated a match this weekends where I am refereeing 2 teams that have both been eliminated from the league's cup in the past 10 days in matches I refereed. Is this not asking for trouble?
One of the teams received 4 cautions on their way to elimination and I dare say if they find themselves losing they will find the common denominator easy enough.
As a ref sec would a request like this p**s you off.
I don't like doing ANY teams back to back as I believe time heals most wounds.
Should I just get on with it?
A&H International
Unless you've a concern for your safety, I say do it. It's not just about "getting on with it" but consider the challenge it presents and ways to manage and conquer it. If it doesn't pan out as you'd like then, next time you can ask for a fixture change and reason from experience.
Certainly no risk to my safety. And when the time comes I will dish out C2s all day long if required.
I just thought why go looking for trouble? It will find us soon enough.
I was perfectly happy with my performance in both matches, but the attitude of one of teams stinks and I'd be amazed if I came away without showing a fair few cautions for no other reason than I'm the t**t that has cost them in BOTH games (naturally)
My opinion :
If you have second thoughts because you reffed one (or both) team in a very short time and it didn't go well, don't do it, it's no one call to decide if you can handle the game or not, you have to be 100% sure, the minute you ask yourself "damn, it's gonna be tricky, what if blahblahblah", don't do it
Am sure you will be fine @deusex and if not your local county FA will be delighted with your contribution to the xmas fund :p