Removed From Cup Final Fixture


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
I was appointed to a midweek Cup Final as Referee but was removed just before the weekend. Our referee secretary had it brought to his attention that earlier in the season I submitted 3 misconducts against one of the sides which were upheld after the team appealed and he felt it might be controversial if I refereed them as I might be accused of being impartial. I do not know if the team concerned contacted the ref sec or someone pointed it out to him
The upside is he has given me a more senior final but the downside I was taken off the semi final for the same cup this weekend meaning overall I lost out of 2 middles with official AR's, a rare treat.

Initially I was concerned that the tail might be wagging the dog so to speak if it was the club that voiced a concern, after all over a few seasons most teams might have cause to believe we hold a grudge against them. Or maybe the ref secretary was simply being proactive to avoid problems.
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A&H International
Almost certainly the team has raised a concern......and as usual, the league has sided with the team rather than supporting the referee.
Funny, If a team had complained about a referee appointment and been dumb enough to give reason as you not being impartial they are essentially calling you a cheat and should be getting a misconduct charge slapped on them.

How much clearer could it be.

A good ref sec would tell them to quit their noise and learn to behave better on the fop.