The Ref Stop

Referee Match Wallet

The Ref Stop
I hope this patronising attitude to Sunday league players isn't indicative of the site's overall ethos.
So you have never seen players turn up late and worse for wear on a Sunday morning? That isn't patronising, it is factual, and I include myself in that back when I played. But even if everyone is sober as a judge, went to bed at 9 the night before, there still isn't a lot of time for someone, usually a player or already stressed out manager, to get the shirt numbers correct. You simply cannot take what is written on team sheets at that level as gospel.
The taking of names thing feels like an old traditional thing that people have trouble letting go.

The excuses used occur in every other social league in the world, it does feel strange to someone from overseas.
The taking of names thing feels like an old traditional thing that people have trouble letting go.

The excuses used occur in every other social league in the world, it does feel strange to someone from overseas.

I’m telling you now, if you have been to a Sunday league game in England you would know.. if you don’t take a name you might as well not bring your cards along.
The taking of names thing feels like an old traditional thing that people have trouble letting go.

The excuses used occur in every other social league in the world, it does feel strange to someone from overseas.
It was let go, when I was at L4 and L3 I used write on cards and flashed them to my hearts content. I also got a kicking from the bosses because several of my cautions in a game were wrong, technically not my fault as the team sheets were wrong. And that was a game where both teams were late as the magic roundabout, sorry M25, was closed due to an accident. And I know I joke there, but semi-pro teams being delayed due to a road closure and then messing up the team sheets isn't dissimilar to Sunday morning teams being delayed due to players not turning up on time.

It is a fairly recent thing that it has been banned, perhaps 4 years ago.