Referee development aids


New Member
Level 5 Referee

Looking for PowerPoint/videos etc which can be used during training sessions for active referees. A lot of what I have and that which can be found elsewhere is great for new referees or those who are going through instruction. However things like match control, judging tackles, body language and such like are tricky to find. I know the USA site has a lot of content but would also like to expand on that.
A&H International
Nice, thank you. Will have a look through.

Having spent hours searching the Internet for resources on referee development, there appears to be very little indeed. Although, my previous research did not lead me to the link you posted, so make of that what you will! For example I spent hours searching for information on developing positional awareness and aside from an article in the FA magazine I turned up very little. Considering how many refs there are and the profile of the game I was very surprised. Especially when i discovered some of the resources out there for American football refs, which was very impressive.
I have used the podcasts offered by the Minnesota State Referees' Committee. What is good is they use professional level games as examples but also show examples from college and youth games as well. You can get these videos from youtube and they put a new one on each month.