The Ref Stop

Referee’s notebook/card holder/wallet

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Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Does anyone know of any decent quality referee wallets? All I can find online are the rubbish plasticy ones that tear at the fold.

I thought a leather one would decent, but not for £60!
The Ref Stop
Not sure such a thing exists, unless you stumble across a wallet in a high street shop that happens to be suitable. I've looked around a bit. No joy
All these extra stuff refs seem to need today aren’t their any man bags that fit the image! Lots of availability in swanky black leather I’m sure! ❤️
Does anyone know of any decent quality referee wallets? All I can find online are the rubbish plasticy ones that tear at the fold.

I thought a leather one would decent, but not for £60!

They are what they are. They're made of plastic cos it's cheap and waterproof. Nothing small and plastic that's used week in week out will last forever mate.
Most of us (you included?) are happy to fork out £50-150 for new football boots every season or so after they split/become too worn so why would you not be happy to throw less than a fiver at a new (plastic) notebook every season? :confused:
They are what they are. They're made of plastic cos it's cheap and waterproof. Nothing small and plastic that's used week in week out will last forever mate.
Most of us (you included?) are happy to fork out £50-150 for new football boots every season or so after they split/become too worn so why would you not be happy to throw less than a fiver at a new (plastic) notebook every season? :confused:

£50-£150 a season!!? No chance. I’ve got these mate, not a mark on them yet and look smashing with a pair of denim’s the boot for all occasions.


But yeah I get your point!
whats wrong with the cards
Which ones?

The match cards don't have enough space on them for more than about 6 cautions and are laid out really weirdly.

The red/yellow are made of really thick, hard and brittle plastic, the two cards are different sizes and they're not cut to proper edges either, so they're both wider at one end than the other.
I’m old enough to have played with the lace up balls but I had the basic 20 studs moulded tat when I played. I hadn’t any money for the posher removable stud type. Later on I had a pair with different length studs for rugby and football, we were never affluent back then! Not like now! ⚔️
Does anyone know of any decent quality referee wallets? All I can find online are the rubbish plasticy ones that tear at the fold.

I thought a leather one would decent, but not for £60!

Hi, where have you found a leather one for £60?

If you are based in the UK I’d recommend the wallet from sportsdirect. The cards are garbage but the wallet is solid. Hard backing to it should make it useful
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