Rapido Sending Off


Politically Incorrect
Substitute is sent off 32 seconds after coming onto pitch in Vanarama game (Skip to about 5:20 to miss out the crap)

A&H International
First thought is that the substitution is rather poorly managed by the AR. Equipment check was conducted much later than it should have been, just going to frustrate the players doing this.
Anyway, obviously we have absolutely no idea what the red card was for - impossible from this video. One can only assume there was a comment made which couldn't be heard.

But given that, what's the point in posting this one?
I'd imagine there is a strong possibility the comment was made before the substitution procedure was completed when he pulled his shorts up, if that was the case then they shouldn't play with a man down?
There was another interesting KMI. Does anyone else think the goalkeeper handled the ball inside his penalty area and not outside as was given by the referee? (about 2:50 into the video, with the replay at 3:00 giving the best view) The resulting free kick led to the only goal of the game. There's also a hint of handball by the forward in the initial charge down of the ball.

Can only imagine he said something once he stepped onto the pitch after the equipment check. Either that or the players actions after he stepped onto the pitch were deemed offensive. The player appeared to make some kind of gesture, but the assistant's flag was already on the way up. :confused:

Do they not have FA appointed 4th officials at this level? Was it a club official who held up the board, therefore the AR on that side of the pitch has to carry out the equipment check?

Am I right in thinking there was a game recently at non-league level where the referee was injured, so the senior AR took over and a spectator who was a qualified referee took over as AR after an PA announcement?
Just for those querying the level, Stockport County now play in the Vanarama Conference North (relegated from the conference season before last) and are now two leagues outside the football league.

Oh how the mighty can fall!

Can only imagine he said something once he stepped onto the pitch after the equipment check. Either that or the players actions after he stepped onto the pitch were deemed offensive. The player appeared to make some kind of gesture, but the assistant's flag was already on the way up. :confused:

Do they not have FA appointed 4th officials at this level? Was it a club official who held up the board, therefore the AR on that side of the pitch has to carry out the equipment check?

Am I right in thinking there was a game recently at non-league level where the referee was injured, so the senior AR took over and a spectator who was a qualified referee took over as AR after an PA announcement?
Knowing the level of this game, no there would not have been a 4th man. As for the ARs actions he really should not be asking a player to hitch his shorts up, just in case he has nothing underneath and there is an "exposure". Looks like the player said something when he bent over to touch the grass. Looks messy whatever the reason.
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Wasn't there an instruction or guidance issued to state that players should not be asked to raise their shorts on inspection?
There was another interesting KMI. Does anyone else think the goalkeeper handled the ball inside his penalty area and not outside as was given by the referee? (about 2:50 into the video, with the replay at 3:00 giving the best view) The resulting free kick led to the only goal of the game. There's also a hint of handball by the forward in the initial charge down of the ball.

Looked like it may have been inside. I'd argue that the referee should have had the best view, but given how far away he was (and personally I don't think he handled that at all. Weak whistle not belaying the seriousness of a cautionable offence, and just strolling over - not only does it appear disinterested but invites argument), who knows. If he was outside, the caution would be correct, the arm came right out. The striker? Arm tucked into his body, ball kicked close range front on. Completely accidental there.

Getting really sick of seeing this 'mobbing' of the referee at all levels.

Probably worth pointing out with the red card - if the comment had been made just before he came on, the referee would send him off but the sub isn't complete, so they could bring another one or even have the player return to the field.
The Solihull Moors writeup indicates the following:
On 85 minutes the tannoy announced that Stockport were to replace full back Morton with Andy Robinson but almost as the substitute came onto the pitch he was red carded and sent off. It is believed that this occurred as a result of abusive language to one of the assistant referees but to say Robinson was incensed would be an understatement.

The Stockport writeup indicates similar:
Robinson had no sooner been beckoned from the touchline than a red card was brandished in his direction - allegedly for dissent, while he had been waiting alongside the Referee's Assistant. The player was angry. The crowd was mystified. And the game underwent a prolonged interruption, as match officials, teams and management engaged in lively debate, before Robinson eventually departed - in all likelihood, given his shortest of cameos, without any need for an early bath.

Finally, the Daily Mail states:
Having had his studs checked, at length, by the linesman, Robinson entered the field, only for the linesman to immediately signal something was wrong.

The official then told the referee that Robinson had committed an offence, reportedly swearing at him as he came onto the field, for which he was shown a red card, his appearance lasting just 30 seconds - none of which time the ball was in play.

The Manchester Evening News corroborates these accounts:
But as Robinson stepped onto the pitch, he was immediately dismissed by referee Billy Smallwood after a claim that Robinson had directed foul and abusive language towards the linesman.

Ex-Leeds man Robinson – adamant after the game that nothing had been said - had to be restrained by team-mates and refused to leave the pitch for a number of minutes as the Hatters dugout and travelling fans were left seething.

"The referee is a bit mystified himself, he said that the linesman claimed that Andy had sworn at him,” explained Young.
Didn't you hear the player?
He said nothing. The AR made up the OFFINABUS like we all do on every single OFFINABUS decision: "Didn't say nuffink ref!!"
Not right impressed with the handball incident. Looks inside the box to me. Easy sell if you're not sure. Why make trouble for yourself? And, as pointed out, weak whistle, saunters over, probably a few too many smiles for a ref being crowded (nothing wrong with smiling at other times, of course).

Here's a snapshot from the vid:


Also of the charge down by the forward:
