The Ref Stop

Quota of games for promotion

Jack M

Active Member
Level 6 Referee
Hey guys,

I hope you are all keeping well!

Bit of background - I've been going for my Level 6 this season, I have had 2 observations (1x standard expected & 1x above standard, so no requirement for a 3rd) and have tried to be available as many weekends as possible.

My issue is, I am likely to not referee the required amount of games that my CFA is asking for (15 (3 at U18) due to various reasons. I will probably fall a couple of games short of the quota by the deadline. It's not like I haven't been available, I've done a couple of lines and when I haven't been given competitive games, I've usually been able to pick up friendlies.

I've had a good season personally and have been given my first cup final in open age men's football, I just feel the months where there was no football played has screwed me over :(.

How screwed am I?
The Ref Stop
Hey guys,

I hope you are all keeping well!

Bit of background - I've been going for my Level 6 this season, I have had 2 observations (1x standard expected & 1x above standard, so no requirement for a 3rd) and have tried to be available as many weekends as possible.

My issue is, I am likely to not referee the required amount of games that my CFA is asking for (15 (3 at U18) due to various reasons. I will probably fall a couple of games short of the quota by the deadline. It's not like I haven't been available, I've done a couple of lines and when I haven't been given competitive games, I've usually been able to pick up friendlies.

I've had a good season personally and have been given my first cup final in open age men's football, I just feel the months where there was no football played has screwed me over :(.

How screwed am I?
County FA's will consider each case on its merits, given that the local conditions vary because of lockdowns, etc.
There is no one answer nationally so in the first instance you should talk to your RDO (or the CFA decision maker if no RDO)
Good luck.
There are still a couple of weeks left of the extended season, are you sure you can't pick up the remaining games you need? Have you exhausted the youth games available in the quota? They will be the easiest to pick up and often start earlier than OA games.
Hey guys,

I hope you are all keeping well!

Bit of background - I've been going for my Level 6 this season, I have had 2 observations (1x standard expected & 1x above standard, so no requirement for a 3rd) and have tried to be available as many weekends as possible.

My issue is, I am likely to not referee the required amount of games that my CFA is asking for (15 (3 at U18) due to various reasons. I will probably fall a couple of games short of the quota by the deadline. It's not like I haven't been available, I've done a couple of lines and when I haven't been given competitive games, I've usually been able to pick up friendlies.

I've had a good season personally and have been given my first cup final in open age men's football, I just feel the months where there was no football played has screwed me over :(.

How screwed am I?
The minimum number of games (15, reduced down from 20) has been set by the FA and isn't generally likely to be flexed by individual CFAs. Certainly it's being viewed as a fixed number in my county.

Whilst it's obviously been a challenging season, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect those seeking promotion to have completed a certain number of competitive middles ... it's part of how candidates develop their skills. To do 12 adult middles across a mix of Sat PM, Sun AM & even Sun PM (generally Womens games) has proved possible for the vast majority of candidates. To put it in perspective, there's one candidate in my county (neighbouring yours) that has completed 37 eligible games!

Appreciate this might be sounding unsympathetic but there's only three necessary criteria to progress from 7 to 6 and this should be the one that is most within a ref's direct control ....