Quick Questions


New Member
Level 7 Referee
I am Doing my first game on Sunday now time for a few quick questions.
1.Does it matter which end you up CAR's?
2. Do you get assistants to swap ends at half time?
3.are you more lenient on U13's (I Believe they are old enough to know the rules)
4. It is a respect league is a respect handshake compulsory if so do i have to do anything or will everyone just do it automatically?
A&H International
1. Yes the CARs run their own defensive line
2. Yes they stay with defensive line so swap ends at HT
3. Personally no but this is a major topic of differing opinions
4. Compulsory in respect leagues. Should do it as part and parcel, if not a quick blast on whistle and "handshakes please" will do the job

Best of luck
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As a forewarning, number 3 has been discussed many times to death.

Let's not go there guys. :devil:
Laws apply to anyone on a pitch regardless,
Instigate it but the should know what to do.
Most of the time I get the teams to do the respect handshake they look at me and ask what i'm doing and tell me they never do it!
thanks for the support I am still a little nervous but I think the 45 minutes before KO will be the worst once I blow the whistle I hope I will put on my ref head and manage the game as smoothly as possible I will update tomorrow.

PS thanks you for all your answers and for not killing me for asking question 3.
Not refs job to instigate handshake but it is ref's job to report it to league concerned if it doesn't take place - if league has asked for it in match report
thank you all for advice I was lucky a mentor came to the game today which helped me settle in. I was lucky enough to have played advantage that lead to a goal and an apology from the scoring teams manager (even if I did forget to signal and shout I was playing advantage). 1 last question there were no cards issued so do I need to report the game on the whole game system even though there were no cautions etc. ?
WG has a box marked for "nothing to report" so if you entered it on WG,then needs reporting as such.

Remeber you report what happened - and if nothing happens you still have to report "nothing".

Good game otherwise - how you feeling?
Nice game the boys were all well mannered for U13's very un eventful. only 2 stoppages in first half for handballs in the midfield 1 from each team. I had to work for it in the second half but overall a good game with 8 goals scored. 1 thing I was planning to ask tomorrow at RA meeting was if a goal is scored in the final seconds would you wait for the restart or blow while the ball is in the net. (I blew when ball was in the back of the net and I am now doubting myself) also a mentor came to support and guide me and was a great boost when I was told my fitness is perfect ( I had a few full length sprints in the first half).
Whenever you want, but letting the other team kick off and blowing shortly afterwards is probably the more favoured option

Imagine, tho', if you went with the kick off, for form's sake, and the team scored directly from the kick off. Nobody but you would know but you, of course but oh the guilt...