The Ref Stop

Quick free kick and position of corner kick

Bejesus.....listen to you lot, if the taker wishes to take the kick before the defenders are the required distance away, then as long as the defender is not deliberately delaying the restart, tough cookie! If the taker then commits an offence by blasting the ball at the opponent then s/he'll face the consequences.
The Ref Stop
The goal kick clarifcation including the phrase ‘genuinely did not have time to leave the area’.
Do IFAB expect we apply similar to respecting the required distance from free kicks?
Exactly that. I think they mention it in the circular but I queried this with IFAB and David Elleray replied to say the principle is the same as a quick FK.
I replied to say why didn't they just word it so in the first place. I expect the language to change in this law or law 13 to make it consistent with each other